Works: | 82 works in 37 publications in 37 languages |
共享文化價值觀形成機制探討 = = The mechanism study of shared values : A comparative study in motors industry , medical industry and government enterprises : 以汽車製造、醫療服務及國營事業為例 /
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組織文化對工作滿足及離職原因之相關性探討 = = The study of the association of organization culture with the job satisfaction and the turnover inclination : an empirical study of the nurses of the above-ergional hospitals in hualien area : 以花蓮地區區域級以上醫院之護理人員為例 /
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全面品質管理在公部門應用可行性之探討 = = The Study of Implementation of Quality Management in Public Sectors-The Empirical Study of Public Sector in Eastern Taiwan : 以花東地區公部門機關為例 /
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個人變項、組織文化與員工對組織變革態度關係之研究 = = The Investigation of Employee Attitude toward Organizational Change in Relation to Organizational Culture and Personal Characteristics : An Empirical Study of Public Hospitals in Hualien : 以花蓮地區公立醫院為例 /
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運用線性結構關係模式探討組織文化、領導型態、工作滿足、組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Linear Structure Equation to Discuss the Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Conductible Model, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Public Hospitals Nurse : 以公立醫院護理人員為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、組織文化、全面品質管理以及組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Models to Study the Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, Total Quality Management, and the Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Plastic Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan : 以塑膠製造業為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、組織文化、組織學習、工作滿足 及組織績效之關係研究 = = Applying SEM Models to Study the Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning, Satisfaction of Working and the Organizational Performance : An Empirical Study of High Technology Industry in Taiwan : 以高科技產業為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、組織文化、工作滿足、組織認同與組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Discuss the Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job atisfaction, rganizational Identification, Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Construction Industry : 以營建業為例 /
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教師人格特質與組織文化對留任意願之研究 = = The Study of Personality Traits and Organizational Culture to Intentions to Stay of Teachers : Examples of the Private Senior High Schools in Hsin-Chu County : 以新竹縣私立高中職為例 /
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軟實力的底蘊 = = The power of culture : 中國背景下的企業文化認同感研究 : a study on organizational cultural ldentification in chinese context /
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花蓮縣基層行政機關組織文化與工作滿意關係之研究 = = An Analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction in grassroots administrative agencies in Hualien County /
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購併企業的組織文化.組織承諾和工作績效之探討 = = A Study of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance : An Empirical Study of Business Merger in Electronics Industry : 以電子相關產業為例 /
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人口學特性、組織文化、工作滿足及人格特質對組織公民行為影響之探討 = = Investigating the Impact of Demographic Characteristics, Organizational Culture,Job Satisfaction, and Personality Traits on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : An Empirical Study of Administrative Staff in a Regional Hospital : 以某區域醫院行政人員為例 /
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探討台灣高科技產業對組織績效之研究 = = The Study of Organizational Performance of High Technology Industry in Taiwan /
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