After apartheid = reinventing South ...
South Africa

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  • After apartheid = reinventing South Africa /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: After apartheid/ edited by Ian Shapiro and Kahreen Tebeau.
    其他題名: reinventing South Africa /
    其他作者: Tebeau, Kahreen,
    出版者: Charlottesville :University of Virginia Press, : 2011.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (vi, 376 p.) :ill.
    內容註: pt. 1. Politics and the macroeconomy -- Poverty and inequality in South Africa, 1994-2007 / Jeremy Seekings -- Black economic empowerment since 1994 : diverse hopes and differentially fulfilledaspirations / Anthony Butler -- Forging democrats : a partial success story? / Robert Mattes -- Thebusiness community after apartheid and beyond : an analysis of business's engagement in the second decade of democracy / Theuns Eloff -- Macroeconomic policy and its governance after apartheid / Janine Aron -- pt. 2. Health and social welfare -- AIDS policy in postapartheid South Africa / Nicoli Nattrass -- The role of social and economic rights in supporting opposition in postapartheid South Africa / Lauren Paremoer and Courtney Jung -- pt. 3. The rule of law -- The pasts and future of the rule of law in South Africa / David Dyzenhaus -- Anticorruption reform efforts in democratic South Africa / Marianne Camerer -- The land question : exploring obstacles to land redistribution in South Africa / Lungisile Ntsebeza. Language and media. After apartheid : the language question / Neville Alexander -- Contested media environments inSouth Africa : the making of communications policy since 1994 / Guy Berger.
    標題: Democracy - South Africa. -
    標題: South Africa - History. -
    電子資源: text available:
    ISBN: 9780813931012 (electronic bk.)
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •