South Africa
作品: | 1 作品在 20 項出版品 1 種語言 |
The Nature of heritage : = the new South Africa /
Kruger National Park (South Africa); South Africa; Meskell, Lynn.
Popular politics in the history of south Africa, 1400–1948
South Africa; Landau, Paul S.{me_controlnum}
The politics of truth and reconciliation in South Africa = legitimizing the post-apartheid state /
Wilson, Richard A.{me_controlnum}; South Africa
The making of modern South Africa : = conquest, apartheid, democracy /
Worden, Nigel, (1955-); South Africa
South Africa's political crisis = unfinished liberation and fractured class struggles /
South Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Beresford, Alexander.
Democracy at home in South Africa = family fictions and transitional culture /
South Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Bystrom, Kerry.
Volk and flock : = ecology, identity and politics among Cape Afrikaners in the late nineteenth century /
South Africa; Tamarkin, M. (1938-.)
The lion and the springbok = Britain and South Africa since the Boer War /
Hyam, Ronald.{me_controlnum}; Great Britain; South Africa; Henshaw, Peter.
After apartheid = reinventing South Africa /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Shapiro, Ian.; Tebeau, Kahreen, (1977-)
Re-imagining the social in South Africa : = critique, theory and post-apartheid society /
South Africa; Jacklin, Heather.; Vale, Peter C. J.
Dog eat dog
South Africa; Project Muse.; Johannesburg (South Africa); Mhlongo, Nicholas.
Chieftaincy, the state, and democracy = political legitimacy in post-apartheid South Africa /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Williams, J. Michael, (1954-)
The legacies of law = long-run consequences of legal development in south Africa, 1652-2000/
Meierhenrich, Jens.{me_controlnum}; South Africa
Liberal Democracy and Peace in South Africa = the Pursuit of Freedom as Dignity.
South Africa; Du Toit, P. van der P.; Kotz�e, H. J. (1947-)
M. K. Gandhi : = Indian patriot in South Africa /
South Africa; Doke, Joseph J. (1861-1913.)
The law and the prophets = Black consciousness in South Africa, 1968-1977 /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Magaziner, Daniel R.; Black Consciousness Movement of South Africa
The uncoiling python = South African storytellers and resistance /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Scheub, Harold.
The equality of believers : = Protestant missionaries and the racial politics of South Africa /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Elphick, Richard.
Gordian Knot = Apartheid and the Unmaking of the Liberal World Order /
South Africa; Irwin, Ryan M.
Landscapes and landforms of South Africa
South Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Grab, Stefan.; Knight, Jasper.
Framing foreign policy in India, Brazil and South Africa = on the like-mindedness of the IBSA states /
South Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Brazil; Husar, Jorg.; India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum.; India
Heritage, culture, and politics in the postcolony
South Africa; United States; Herwitz, Daniel Alan, (1955-); India
National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Israel, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey
South Africa; Turkey; SpringerLink (Online service); Israel; Jordan; Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun.
No future without forgiveness /
South Africa; Tutu, Desmond.; South Africa., Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The foundations of anti-apartheid = liberal humanitarians and transnational activists in Britain and the United States, c.1919-64 /
Great Britain; South Africa; United States; Skinner, Rob, (1966-)
Social protection, economic growth and social change : = goals, issues and trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa /
China; South Africa; Midgley, James.; Brazil; Piachaud, David.; India
South African border life = tales of unrest /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Glanville, Ernest.
Spear of the Nation (Umkhonto weSizwe) = South Africa's freedom fighters, 1960s-1980s /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Cherry, Janet.; African National Congress.; Umkhonto we Sizwe (South Africa)
Paper sons and daughters = growing up Chinese in South Africa /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Ho, Ufrieda.
The politics of necessity = community organizing and democracy in South Africa /
South Africa; Project Muse.; Zuern, Elke, (1968-)
Language planning- South Africa.
Great Britain- Foreign relations- South Africa.
Black nationalism- Religious aspects
Poverty- Political aspects- South Africa.
Basic needs- Government policy- South Africa.
South Africa
Johannesburg (South Africa)
National characteristics, East Indian.
Postcolonialism- India.
South Africa- Historiography
United States- Historiography
Israel- Economic conditions.
Jordan- Economic conditions.
South Africa- Economic conditions.
Turkey- Economic conditions.
Afrikaners- Ethnic identity.
Soil Science & Conservation.
South Africa- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Political Economy.
Families in literature.
Families in art.
Democratization- Social aspects- South Africa.
Media Studies.
Cultural Anthropology.
Reconciliation- Political aspects- South Africa.
South Africa.
Humanitarianism- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
South Africa- Relations- United States.
Black theology.
South Africa- Colonization.
African National Congress.
South Africa- Politics and government- 1948-1994.
India- Historiography
Intellectual capital.
Economic Growth.
Economic Policy.
R & D/Technology Policy.
Decolonization- South Africa.
Self-determination, National- South Africa.
Physical Geography.
Political Science and International Relations.
History of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Brazil- Foreign relations- South Africa.
Democracy- South Africa.
South Africa- Politics and government.
Anti-apartheid movements- History.- Great Britain
Chiefdoms- South Africa.
Black nationalism- History.- South Africa
Blacks- Race identity- South Africa
National characteristics, American.
Regional/Spatial Science.
Race relations.
Brazil- Economic conditions- 21st century.
India- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Families- Political aspects- South Africa.
Comparative Politics.
Brazil- Foreign relations- India.
India- Foreign relations- Brazil.
South Africa- Foreign relations- India.
South Africa- Race relations.
Rule of law- History.- South Africa
Government, Resistance to.
Cultural property- South Africa.
Anti-apartheid movements- Religious aspects
Ho, Ufrieda.
Postcolonialism- United States.
Afrikaners- History- 19th century.- South Africa
Apartheid- Political aspects- South Africa.
Cultural Studies.
India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum.
Sociolinguistics- South Africa.
South Africa- Languages.
Justice, Administration of- History.- South Africa
Political participation- History.- South Africa
Politics, Practical- History.- South Africa
South Africa- Foreign relations- Great Britain.
Presidents- South Africa
Political prisoners- South Africa
Forgiveness- Religious aspects
Archaeology- South Africa.
Political Science.
Political activists- History- 20th century.- United States
Great Britain- Relations- South Africa.
Local government- South Africa.
South Africa- Social conditions- 1994-
Storytelling- South Africa.
Conflict management- South Africa.
Protestant churches- Missions- South Africa
South Africa- Race relations
Postcolonialism- South Africa.
Social sciences and history.
South Africa- Geography.
Public welfare- Economic aspects- Developed countries.
Labor unions- Political activity- South Africa.
Equality- South Africa.
Domestic relations- Political aspects- South Africa.
India- Foreign relations- South Africa.
Post-apartheid era- South Africa.
Language and culture- South Africa.
East Indians- History.- South Africa
Mandela, Nelson,
Toleration- South Africa.
Peace-building- South Africa.
Anti-apartheid movements- History.- United States
United States- Relations- South Africa.
Anti-apartheid movements- History.- South Africa
Community organization- South Africa.
Chinese- Ethnic identity.- South Africa
Race relations- Religious aspects
South Africa- Foreign relations.
Geoecology/Natural Processes.
China- Economic conditions- 2000-
Social Sciences.
International Relations.
Language policy- South Africa.
Great Britain- Foreign relations- 20th century.
National characteristics, South African.
Kruger National Park (South Africa)- History.
Political activists- History- 20th century.- Great Britain
Folklore- Political aspects- South Africa.
Oral tradition- South Africa.
South Africa- Social life and customs.
South Africa- Economic conditions- 1991-
Ho, Ufrieda- Family.
Chinese- South Africa
Economics/Management Science.
Social change- South Africa.
Labor movement- South Africa.
Political Communication.
Gender Studies.
Apartheid- South Africa.
South Africa- History.
South Africa- Politics and government- 1994-
South Africa- Foreign relations- 20th century.
Reconciliation- Religious aspects
Ethnology- South Africa.
Democratization- South Africa.
South Africa- Politics and government- 1989-1994.
Humanitarianism- Political aspects- 20th century.- Great Britain
South Africa- Relations- Great Britain.
Black Consciousness Movement of South Africa- History.
South Africa- Politics and government- 1961-1978.
City and town life
College students
Chinese- History.- South Africa
Social conflict- South Africa.
Umkhonto we Sizwe (South Africa)- History.
National liberation movements- South Africa.
Sheep ranchers- History- 19th century.- South Africa
Knowledge - Discourse.
South Africa- Foreign relations- Brazil.