Jain, Lakhmi C.
作品: | 1 作品在 86 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Innovations in knowledge management = the impact of social media, semantic web and cloud computing /
Phillips-Wren, Gloria.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Razmerita, Liana.
Computational intelligence paradigms in advanced pattern classification
Ogiela, Marek R.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Knowledge-based software engineering = proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2020), Larnaca, Cyprus, August 24-26, 2020 /
Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (2020 :); Virvou, Maria.; Nakagawa, Hiroyuki.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Design of intelligent multi-agent systems = human-centredness, architectures, learning and adaptation /
Khosla, Rajiv.; Ichalkaranje, Nikhil.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Modeling machine emotions for realizing intelligence = foundations and applications /
Faucher, Colette.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Nishida, Toyoaki.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Virtual, augmented reality and serious games for healthcare 1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Anderson, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service); Ma, Minhua.
Advanced computational intelligence paradigms in healthcare.. 6,. Virtual reality in psychotherapy, rehabilitation, and assessment
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Brahnam, Sheryl.
Multimedia services in intelligent environments = integrated systems /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advances in bioinformatics, multimedia, and electronics circuits and signals = proceedings of GUCON 2019 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies ((2019 :)
Multimedia services in intelligent environments = software development challenges and solutions /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; Virvou, Maria.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Data and communication networks = proceedings of GUCON 2018 /
International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies ((2018 :); Jain, Lakhmi C.; E. Balas, Valentina.; Johri, Prashant.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Data mining. = foundations and intelligent paradigms /. Volume 3,. Medical, health, social, biological and other applications
Holmes, Dawn E.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Innovations in Bayesian networks = theory and applications /
Holmes, Dawn E.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Smart communications, intelligent algorithms and interactive methods = proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA 2020) /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (2020 :)
The art and science of interface and interaction design.. Vol.1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Mignonneau, Laurent.; Sommerer, Christa.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Successful case-based reasoning applications - 1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Montani, Stefania.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advanced techniques in web intelligence - 1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Velasquez, Juan D.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Sustainability in energy and buildings = results of the second International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB'10) /
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Lee, Shaun H.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Data communication and networks = proceedings of GUCON 2019 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies ((2019 :)
Machine learning paradigms = advances in deep learning-based technological applications /
Tsihrintzis, George A.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Bridging the semantic gap in image and video analysis
Kwasnicka, Halina.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Smart education and e-learning 2017
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Uskov, Vladimir L.; KES International., Conference on Smart Education and Smart e-Learning (2017 :)
Handbook on intelligent techniques in the educational process.. Vol 1,. Recent advances and case studies
Ivanovic, Mirjana.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Klasnja-Milicevic, Aleksandra.
Deep learning in healthcare = paradigms and applications /
Chen, Yen-Wei.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computer vision in control systems.. 6,. Advances in practical applications
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Smart education and e-learning 2020
Uskov, Vladimir L.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International KES Conference on Smart Technology-Based Education and Training (2020 :)
Computer vision in control systems- 2,. Innovations in practice
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advances in selected artificial intelligence areas = world outstanding women in artificial intelligence /
Virvou, Maria.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining
Ghosh, Ashish.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Handbook on advances in remote sensing and geographic information systems = paradigms and applications in forest landscape modeling /
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent decision technologies 2017 = proceedings of the 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017).. Part I /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2017 :)
Intelligent decision technologies = proceedings of the 12th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2020) /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2020 :)
Intelligent decision technologies = proceedings of the 13th KES-IDT 2021 Conference /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2021 :)
Architecting the digital transformation = digital business, technology, decision support, management /
Zimmermann, Alfred.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Schmidt, Rainer.
Intelligent decision technologies 2017 = proceedings of the 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017).. Part II /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2017 :)
Emerging research in sustainable energy and buildings for a low-carbon future
Howlett, Robert J.; Littlewood, John R.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Sustainability in energy and buildings 2021
Littlewood, John R.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings (2021 :)
3D imaging, multidimensional signal processing and deep learning = 3D images, graphics and information technologies.. Volume 1 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Advances in 3D Image and Graphics Representation, Analysis, Computuing and Information Technology (Conference) ((2021 :)
Successful case-based reasoning applications.. 2
Montani, Stefania.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Handbook on decision making.. Vol 1,. Techniques and applications
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Lim, Chee Peng.
E-learning paradigms and applications = agent-based approach /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Ivanovic, Mirjana.
Information technology and intelligent transportation systems = proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (Itits 2019) /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Zhao, Xiangmo.; Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Shi, Fuqian.
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments = Advanced Tools and Methodologies /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Tsihrintzis, George A.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Data mining. = foundations and intelligent paradigms /. Volume 1,. Clustering, association and classification
Holmes, Dawn E.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 3
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Sordo, Margarita.; Vaidya, Sachin.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent Interactive Systems in Knowledge-Based Environments
Virvou, Maria.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Human centred intelligent systems = proceedings of KES-HCIS 2020 Conference /
KES International Conference on Human-Centered Intelligent Systems ((2020 :); Zimmermann, Alfred.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computational Intelligence Paradigms = Innovative Applications /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Machine learning paradigms = advances in data analytics /
Tsihrintzis, George A.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Sotiropoulos, Dionisios N.
Recent advances in knowledge-based paradigms and applications = enhanced applications using hybrid artificial intelligence techniques /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Tweedale, Jeffrey W.
Intelligent computing paradigm and cutting-edge technologies = proceedings of the First International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2019), Istanbul, Turkey, October 30-31, 2019 /
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-Edge Technologies (2019 :); Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computer vision in advanced control systems-5 = advanced decisions in technical and medical applications /
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advances in theory and practice of computational mechanics = proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems (2019))
Advanced computational intelligence in healthcare.. 7,. Biomedical informatics
Brahnam, Sheryl.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Maglogiannis, Ilias.
New advances in virtual humans = artificial intelligence environment /
Ichalkaranje, Nikhil.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Evolution of the Web in artificial intelligence environments
Ichalkaranje, Nikhi.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Nayak, Richi.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Soft computing applications = proceedings of the 7th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2016).. Volume 1 /
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (2016 :); Balas, Marius Mircea.
Soft computing applications = proceedings of the 6th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2014).. Volume 2 /
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Kovacevic, Branko.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Innovations in intelligent machines.. 2,. Intelligent paradigms and applications
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Watanabe, Toyohide.
Soft computing applications = proceedings of the 6th International Workshop Soft Computing Application (SOFA 2014).. Volume 1 /
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Kovacevic, Branko.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Technologies of inclusive well-being = serious games, alternative realities, and play therapy /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Brahnam, Sheryl.; Brooks, Anthony Lewis.
Emerging trends in the evolution of service-oriented and enterprise architectures
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); El-Sheikh, Eman.; Zimmermann, Alfred.
Advances in wireless communications and applications = wireless technology: intelligent network technologies, smart services and applications, proceedings of 5th ICWCA 2021 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (2021 :); Hainan da xue,
Innovations in intelligent machines-4 = recent advances in knowledge engineering /
Faucher, Colette.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent computing, communication and devices = proceedings of ICCD 2014.. Volume 1 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Ichalkaranje, Nikhil.; SpringerLink (Online service); Patnaik, Srikanta.
Computational intelligence in data mining. = proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 20-21 December 2014 /. Volume 1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining. = proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 20-21 December 2014 /. Volume 3
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent computing, communication and devices = proceedings of ICCD 2014.. Volume 2 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Ichalkaranje, Nikhil.; SpringerLink (Online service); Patnaik, Srikanta.
Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computational intelligence in data mining. = proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 20-21 December 2014 /. Volume 2
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Complex networks in software, knowledge, and social systems
Ivanovic, Mirjana.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Savic, Milos.
Wireless technology, intelligent network technologies, smart services and applications = proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA 2020) /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (2020 :)
Applied mathematics and computational mechanics for smart applications = proceedings of AMMAI 2020 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent autonomous systems = foundations and applications /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Pratihar, Dilip Kumar.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Security with intelligent computing and big-data services 2019 = proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS), 4-6 December 2019, New Taipei City, Taiwan /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Peng, Sheng-Lung.; Wang, Shiuh-Jeng.; International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-Data Services (2019 :)
Complex systems in knowledge-based environments = theory, models and applications /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Tolk, Andreas.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Innovations in intelligent machines-5 = computational intelligence in control systems engineering /
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Koprinkova-Hristova, Petia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent Decision Making: An AI-Based Approach
Ichalkaranje, Nikhil.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Phillips-Wren, Gloria.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Knowledge processing and decision making in agent-based systems
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Smart education and e-learning 2016
KES International., Conference on Smart Education and e-Learning ((2016 :); Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Uskov, Vladimir L.
Toward robotic socially believable behaving systems.. Volume II,. Modeling social signals
Esposito, Anna.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Toward robotic socially believable behaving systems.. Volume I,. Modeling emotions
Esposito, Anna.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Feature selection for data and pattern recognition
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Stanczyk, Urszula.
3D imaging technologies - Multi-dimensional signal processing and deep learning = mathematical approaches and applications.. Volume 1 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Kountchev, Roumen.; International Conference on 3D Imaging Technologies -- Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning (2020 :); Shi, Junsheng.
Computer vision in control systems-3 = aerial and satellite image processing /
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advances in biomedical informatics
Holmes, Dawn E.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Handbook on decision making.. Vol 2,. Risk management in decision making
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Zhang, Guangquan.; SpringerLink (Online service); Lu, Jie.
Smart Education and e-Learning.. 2019
Uskov, Vladimir L.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Conference on Smart Education and E-Learning (2019 :)
Innovations in big data mining and embedded knowledge
Esposito, Anna.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Esposito, Antonietta M.
Intelligent agents in the evolution of Web and applications
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent decision technologies 2019 = proceedings of the 11th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2019). Volume 2 /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2019))
Sustainability in energy and buildings 2020
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (2020 :); Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Littlewood, John.
Advances in signal processing = theories, algorithms, and system control /
Favorskaya, Margarita.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : = 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings.. III
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Khosla, Rajiv; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems (2005 :)
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : = 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part IV
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Khosla, Rajiv; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems (2005 :)
Data mining. = foundations and intelligent paradigms /. Volume 2,. Statistical, bayesian, time series and other theoretical aspects
Holmes, Dawn E.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
3D imaging technologies - multidimensional signal processing and deep learning = methods, algorithms and applications.. Volume 2 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Kountchev, Roumen.; Tai, Yonghang.; International Conference on 3D Imaging Technologies - Multidimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning (2020 :)
Computer vision in control systems-4 = real life applications /
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : = 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings.. I
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Khosla, Rajiv.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems (2005 :)
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : = 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings.. II
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; Khosla, Rajiv; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems (2005 :)
Advances in feature selection for data and pattern recognition
Zielosko, Beata.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Stanczyk, Urszula.
Intelligent decision technologies = proceedings of the 14th KES-IDT 2022 conference /
KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2022 :); Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computer vision in control systems - 1,. Mathematical theory
Favorskaya, Margarita N.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Advances in machine learning/deep learning-based technologies = selected papers in honour of Professor Nikolaos G. Bourbakis.. Vol. 2 /
Tsihrintzis, George A.; Virvou, Maria.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Bourbakis, Nikolaos G.,
Advances in wireless communications and applications = smart wireless communications: algorithms and network technologies, Proceedings of 5th ICWCA 2021 /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (2021 :)
New directions in web data management 1
Vakali, Athena.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Innovations in intelligent image analysis
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Kwasnicka, Halina.
Innovations in multi-agent systems and applications.. 1
Jain, Lakhmi C.; Srinivasan, Dipti.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Innovations in defence support systems.. 2,. Socio-technical systems
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Aidman, Eugene V.; Abeynayake, Canicious.
Innovations in defence support systems.. 3,. Intelligent paradigms in security
Remagnino, Paolo.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Monekosso, Dorothy N.
Innovations in defence support systems.. 1
Finn, Anthony.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2019 = proceedings of the 11th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2019). Volume 1 /
Czarnowski, Ireneusz.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); KES International., Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (2019 :)
Sustainability in energy and buildings 2022
Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); Littlewood, John.
Security with intelligent computing and big-data services = proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big Data Services (SICBS-2018) /
Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big Data Services (2018 :); Yang, Ching-Nung.; Peng, Sheng-Lung.
Smart Education and e-Learning 2021
International KES Conference on Smart Technology-Based Education and Training (2021 :); Uskov, Vladimir L.; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intelligent computing systems = emerging application areas /
Tsihrintzis, George A.; Virvou, Maria.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Information technology and intelligent transportation systems. = proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems ITITS 2015, held December 12-13, 2015, Xi'an China /. Volume 2
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems ((2015 :); Zhao, Xiangmo.
Soft computing applications = proceedings of the 7th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2016).. Volume 2 /
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (2016 :); Balas, Marius Mircea.
Information technology and intelligent transportation systems. = proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems ITITS 2015, held December 12-13, 2015, Xi'an China /. Volume 1
Balas, Valentina Emilia.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems ((2015 :); Zhao, Xiangmo.
Advances in data science = methodologies and applications /
Phillips-Wren, Gloria.; Esposito, Anna.; Jain, Lakhmi C.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Artificial intelligence
Robots- Control systems.
Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering.
User interfaces (Computer systems)
Electronics in military engineering.
Military art and science- Technological innovations.
Semantic Web.
Sustainable Development.
Signal, Image and Speech Processing.
Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Operations Research/Decision Theory.
Pattern recognition systems.
Control, Robotics, Mechatronics.
Digital media.
Virtual reality in medicine.
Medical innovations.
Computing Methodologies.
Emotions- Health aspects.
Decision making- Data processing
Educational innovations
Medical informatics.
Communications Engineering, Networks.
Education- Effect of technological innovations on
Mobile and Network Security.
Sustainable construction.
Software engineering
Software Engineering.
Signal, Speech and Image Processing.
Computer Networks.
Decision making.
Computational intelligence.
Medicine- Data processing.
Art and technology.
Knowledge management- Data processing.
Knowledge representation (Information theory)
Multimedia systems.
Decision support systems.
Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment.
Biomedical Engineering.
Pattern Recognition.
Computational intelligence- Technological innovations.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Data mining
Geographical Information Systems/Cartography.
Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks.
Library Science.
Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering.
Computer Engineering.
Electronic data processing.
Sustainable architecture.
Mathematics of Computing.
Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Data mining.
Database Management.
Interactive multimedia.
Computer simulation.
Knowledge management- Technological innovations.
Computer-assisted instruction
Remote-sensing images.
Software architecture.
Data Engineering.
Multimedia systems
Cyber-physical systems, IoT.
Classical Mechanics.
Sustainable Architecture/Green Buildings.
Building Construction and Design.
Mechanical Engineering.
Professional Computing.
Digital and Analog Signal Processing.
Renewable Energy.
Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing.
Information Storage and Retrieval.
Web services.
World Wide Web- Technological innovations.
Virtual reality.
Neural networks (Computer science)
Artificial intelligence- Computer programs.
Intelligent control systems.
Health Informatics.
World Wide Web.
Computer software- Development.
Image analysis.
Artificial intelligence- Technological innovations.
Robots- Technological innovations.
Decision making
Educational technology.
Augmented reality- Therapeutic use.
Soft computing
User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
Aerospace engineering
Business enterprises- Computer networks.
Sustainable design
Engineering/Technology Education.
Knowledge based Systems.
Wireless communication systems
Wireless and Mobile Communication.
Wireless communication systems- Technological innovations
Decision making- Data processing.
Computational Intelligence.
Environmental Monitoring/Analysis.
Energy Efficiency (incl. Buildings)
Database management.
Computer vision.
Rough sets.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Robotics- Human factors.
Social Media.
Intelligent transportation systems
Forest management- Remote sensing.
Big Data.
Circuits and Systems.
Management information systems.
Solid Construction.
Mechanical engineering.
Information technology.
Sustainable buildings
Artificial intelligence- Educational applications
Electronic apparatus and appliances- Automatic control
Expert systems (Computer science)- Congresses.
Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)
Evolutionary computation.
Human-computer interaction.
Expert systems (Computer science)
Case-based reasoning.
Multimedia Information Systems.
Nanotechnology and Microengineering.
Computational intelligence
Human-robot interaction.
Emotions- Social aspects.
Service-oriented architecture (Computer science)
Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.
Semantic computing.
Artificial Intelligence.
Education Economics.
Big data.
Computer security
Computer science
Signal processing- Digital techniques
Artificial intelligence- Medical applications.
Aerospace Technology and Astronautics.
Machine Learning.
Intelligent control systems
Sustainable buildings- Design and construction.
Building Materials.
Aerospace engineering.
Computer science- Mathematics.
Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics.
Computer Science.
Computers and Society.
Bayesian statistical decision theory.
Mathematical models.
Cognitive Psychology.
Military art and science- Data processing.
Renewable and Green Energy.
Civil Engineering.
Web databases.
Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics).
Computer Communication Networks.
Simulation and Modeling.
Internet in education
Educational technology
Image processing.
Ontologies (Information retrieval)
Machine learning.
Computer networks
Cloud computing
Big data
Internet of things
Mechanics, Applied
Teaching and Teacher Education.
Application software.
Intelligent transportation systems.
Three-dimensional imaging
Signal processing
Deep learning (Machine learning)
Mobile robots.
Automation and Robotics.
Artificial intelligence.
Intelligent agents (Computer software)
Multiagent systems.
Media Design.
Sustainable engineering
System design.
Virtual reality therapy.
Risk management
Computer Applications.
Computer vision in medicine.
Computer vision- Mathematics.
Robotics and Automation.
Forest landscape management.
System theory.
Big Data/Analytics.
Computational Biology/Bioinformatics.
Signal processing- Digital techniques.
Engineering mathematics
Human-computer interaction
Computer graphics
Computers and Education.
Internet of Things.