Elementary food science
Owusu-Apenten, R. K.

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  • Elementary food science
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Elementary food science/ by Richard Owusu-Apenten, Ernest R. Vieira.
    作者: Owusu-Apenten, R. K.
    其他作者: Vieira, Ernest R.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: xxvii, 602 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Ch-01: Why food science -- Ch-02: Food-largest of all industries -- Ch-03: Food regulatory agencies -- Ch-04: Food labels -- Ch-05: Quality and sensory evaluation of food -- Ch-06: Consumer food literacy -- Ch- 07: Food microbes, quality and fermentation -- Ch-08: Microbial foodborne disease outbreaks -- Ch-09: Food safety and sanitation -- Ch-10: Food safety management, GMP & HACCP -- Ch-11: Basic considerations for food processing -- Ch-12: Thermal processing and canning -- Ch-13: Low-temperature preservation -- Ch-14: Food drying -- Ch-15: Quality of dried foods -- Ch-16: Food additives -- Ch-17: Meat -- Ch-18: Dairy products -- Ch 19: Poultry and eggs -- Ch-20: Fish and shellfish -- Ch-21: Cereal grains -- Ch-22: Bakery products -- Ch-23: Fruits and vegetables -- Ch-24: Sugar and confectionery products -- Ch 25: Food Services.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Food science. -
    電子資源: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65433-7
    ISBN: 9783030654337
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •