與古為徒 = = Sob a influenci dos mestre...

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  • 與古為徒 = = Sob a influenci dos mestres classicos = On the shoulders of classical masters : 吳昌碩逝世八十周年書畫篆刻特集 : exposicao especial comemorativa do 80th aniversario da morte de Wu Chang Shuo : a special exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of the passing of Wu Chang Shuo /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 與古為徒 = / 浙江省博物館研究人員,西泠印社研究人員著
    Reminder of title: Sob a influenci dos mestres classicos = On the shoulders of classical masters : 吳昌碩逝世八十周年書畫篆刻特集 : exposicao especial comemorativa do 80th aniversario da morte de Wu Chang Shuo : a special exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of the passing of Wu Chang Shuo /
    remainder title: Sob a influenci dos mestres classicos
    Corporate Body: 浙江省博物館研究人員
    Published: 澳門 : 澳門藝術博物館, : 2007[民96],
    Description: 3冊 : 部份彩圖,3張彩摺圖,像,書影 ; 36公分
    Notes: 中英葡對照
    [NT 15003449]: 1,上卷:書法篆刻--2,下卷:繪畫--3,別冊
    Subject: 書畫 - 作品集 -
    ISBN: 9789993759393
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 3 records • Pages 1 •
E0669297 三樓中文書區600-999(3F Eastern Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 941.5 3394 v.1 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
E0669298 三樓中文書區600-999(3F Eastern Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 941.5 3394 v.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
E0669299 三樓中文書區600-999(3F Eastern Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 941.5 3394 v.3 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 3 records • Pages 1 •
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