James Joyce in context

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  • James Joyce in context
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: James Joyce in context/ edited by John McCourt.
    其他作者: McCourt, John,
    出版者: Cambridge, U.K. ;Cambridge University Press, : 2009.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 414 p. :map
    內容註: Composition and publishing history of the major works : an overview / Stacey Herbert -- Biography / Finn Fordham -- Letters / William S. Brockman -- Genre, place, and value : Joyce's reception, 1904-1941 / John Nash -- Postwar Joyce/ Joseph Brooker -- Structuralism, deconstruction, post- structuralism / Sam Slote -- Gender and sexuality / Marian Eide -- Psychoanalysis / Luke Thurston -- Postcolonialism / Gregory Castle -- Genetic Joyce criticism/ Dirk Van Hulle -- Translation studies / Jolanta Wawrzycka -- Joyce and world literature / Eric Bulson -- 21st century critical contexts / Sean Latham -- Being in Joyce's world / Cheryl Temple Herr -- Dublin/ L.M. Cullen -- Nineteenth -century lyric nationalism / Matthew Campbell -- The Irish Revival / Clare Hutton -- The English literary tradition / Patrick Parrinder -- Paris / Jean-Michel Rabate -- Trieste / John McCourt -- Greek and Roman themes/ Brian Arkins -- Medicine / Vike Martina Plock -- Modernisms / Michael Levenson -- Music / Timothy Martin -- Irish and European politics, nationalism, socialism, empire / Brian Caraher - - Newspapers and popular culture/ R. Brandon Kershner -- Language and languages / Tim Conley -- Philosophy / Fran O'Rourke -- Religion / Geert Lernout -- Science / Mark Morrisson -- Cinema / Maria di Battista -- Sex / Christine Froula.
    標題: Ireland - Encyclopedias. - Civilization -
    電子資源: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511576072Access by subscription
    ISBN: 0521886627
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