Food insecurity, vulnerability and h...
Acharya, S. S.

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  • Food insecurity, vulnerability and human rights failure
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Food insecurity, vulnerability and human rights failure/ edited by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Shabd S. Acharya, and Benjamin Davis.
    其他作者: Acharya, S. S.
    出版者: Basingstoke, Hampshire ;Palgrave Macmillan, : 2007.,
    面頁冊數: xxv, 368 p. :ill.
    附註: "In association with the United Nations University - World Institutefor Development EconomicsResearch."
    叢書名: Studies in development economics and policy
    內容註: Part I. Vulnerability to hunger : causes and remedies. 1. National food policies impacting onfood security : the experience of a large populated country : India/ Shabd S. Acharya. 2. Food security in the South Pacific island countries with special reference to the Fiji Islands /K.L. Sharma.3. Food security in the SADC region : an assessment of national trade strategy in the context of the 2001-03 food crisis/ Andrew Charman and James Hodge. 4. On the edge : the role of food-based safetynets in helping vulnerable households manage food insecurity/ Lynn Brown and Ugo Gentilini. 5. Thepublic distribution systems of foodgrains and implications for food security : a comparison of the experiencesof India and China/ Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan. -- Part II. Gender and hunger : thelinks. 6. Gender, HIV/AIDS and rural livelihoods : micro-level investigations in three African countries/ John Curry ... [et al.]. 7. Gender, local knowledge and lessons learnt in documenting and conserving agrobiodiversity/ Yianna Lambrou and Regina Laub. 8. Gender differentiation in the analysis of alternative farm mechanization choices on small farms in Kenya / Julliet Wanjiku ... [et al.]. 9. Women and food security in South Asia : current issues and emerging concerns/ Nira Ramachandran.-- Part III. Hunger as entitlement failure : theright to food. 10. Entitlement failure from a food quality perspective: the life and death role of vitamins and minerals in humanitarian crises/ Patrick Webb and Andrew Thorne-Lyman. 11. The right to food as a fundamental human right : FAO's experience /Isabella Rae, Julian Thomas and Margret Vidar. 12. Realizing the right to food in South Asia/ Pradeep Bhargava and Manju Balana. 13. Rights-based approach to development : lessons from the rightto food movement in India / Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis and S. Vivek.
    標題: Food supply - Political aspects - Developing countries. -
    電子資源: to fulltext (Palgrave)
    ISBN: 0230589502
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •