Alleviating poverty through business...
Wankel, Charles.

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  • Alleviating poverty through business strategy
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Alleviating poverty through business strategy/ edited by Charles Wankel.
    其他作者: Wankel, Charles.
    出版者: New York, N.Y. :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2008.,
    面頁冊數: viii, 246 p. :ill.
    內容註: Introduction : a variety of approaches to alleviating poverty through business strategy / Charles Wankel -- The end of foreign aid as we know it : the profitable alleviation of poverty in a globalized economy/Scott Kelley, Patricia H. Werhane, and Laura P. Hartman -- Innovative business approaches and poverty : toward a first evaluation/ Emmanuel Raufflet, Alain Berranger, and Alam Aguilar-Platas -- Information and communication technology for poverty alleviation through education and healthcare--the India experience/ Nilay M. Yajnik -- A collaborative-systemic strategy addressing the dynamics of poverty in Guatemala : converting seeming impossibilities into strategic probabilities/ James L. Ritchie-Dunham -- In search of sustainable social mission ventures to alleviate poverty/Shelby McIntyre, Albert Bruno, and Patrick Guerra -- Scrutinizing the link between poverty and business strategy : what can we learn from the case of shuttle traders in Laleli, Istanbul?/ Mine Ederand èOzlem èOz -- Alleviating poverty using microfranchising models: case studies and a critique / Lisa Jones Christensen -- Using business to create a more vibrant craft sector/ Jan Hack Katz -- Doing well by doing good--strategizing for the bottom of the pyramid in India / Wolfgang Amann and Shiban Khan -- Marketing in subsistence marketplaces /Madhu Viswanathan, Srinivas Sridharan, and Robin Ritchie.
    標題: Poverty - Prevention. -
    電子資源: to fulltext (Palgrave)
    ISBN: 0230612067
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •