Cities in contemporary Africa

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  • Cities in contemporary Africa
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Cities in contemporary Africa/ edited by Martin J. Murray and Garth A. Myers.
    其他作者: Murray, Martin J.
    出版者: New York :Palgrave Macmillian, : 2007.,
    面頁冊數: xiv, 318 p. :ill., maps
    內容註: Introduction: Situating Contemporary Cities in Africa--Garth Myers and Martin Murray * Section I: Culture, Imagination, Place, and Space * Douala/Johannesburg/New York: Cityscapes Imagined--Dominique Malaquais * Internal Migration and the Escalation of Ethnic and Religious Violence in Urban Nigeria--Daniel J. Smith * Re(figuring) the City: The Mapping of Places and People in Contemporary Kenyan Popular Song Texts--JoyceNyairo * Photographic Essay: Johannesburg Fortified--Martin J. Murray & Juanita Malan (photography) * Douala: Inventing Life in an African Necropolis--Basile Ndjio * Section II: Political Economy, Work, and Livelihoods * Economic Globalization from Below: Transnational Refugee TradeNetworks in Nairobi--Elizabeth Campbell * Changing African Cityscapes:Regional Claims of African Labor at South African-owned Shopping Malls--Darlene Miller * Cars Are Killing Luanda: Cronyism, Consumerism, and Other Assaults on Angola's Post-War Captial City--M. Anne Pitcher (withAubrey Graham) * Photographic Essay II: Luanda, Angola--Aubrey Graham * Human Capital, Embedded Resourcesand Employment for Youth in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe--Miriam Grant * Gender Relations, Bread Winning and Family Life in Kinshasa--Guillaume Iyenda and David Simon * Section III: UrbanPlanning, Administration and Governance * South African Urbanism: Between the Modern and the Refugee Camp--AbdouMaliq Simone * Planning, Anti-Planning and the Infrastructure Crisis Facing Metropolitan Lagos--Matthew Gandy *City Life in Zimbabwe at a Time of Fear and Loathing: UrbanPlanning, Urban Poverty, and Operation Murambatsvina--Deborah Potts * Social Control and Social Welfare under Neoliberalism in South AfricanCities: Contradictions in Free Basic Water Services--Greg Ruiters.
    內容註: Douala/Johannesburg/New York: cityscapes imagined / Dominique Malaquais -- Internal migrationand the escalation of ethnic and religious violence in urban Nigeria/ Daniel Jordan Smith -- (Re)configuring the city: the mapping of places and people in contemporary Kenyan popular song texts / Joyce Nyairo -- Johannesburg fortified [photo essay]/ MartinJ. Murray (text) ; Juanita Malan (photography) -- Douala: inventing life in an African necropolis / Basile Ndjio -- Economic globalization from below: transitional refugee trade networks in Nairobi/ Elizabeth H.Campbell -- Changing African cityscapes: regional claims of African labor at South-African owned shopping malls / Darlene Miller -- Cars are killing Luanda: cronyism, consumerism, and other assaults on Angola's postwar, capital city/ M. Anne Pitcher with Aubrey Graham -- Luanda, Angola [photo essay] / Aubrey Graham (photography) ; M. Anne Pitcher (text) -- Human capital, embedded resources, and employment for youth in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe/ Miriam Grant -- Gender relations, breadwinning, and family life in Kinshasa / Guillaume Iyenda and David Simon -- South African urbanism: between the modern and the refugee camp/ AbdouMaliq Simone -- Planning, anti-planning, and the infrastructure crisis facing metropolitan Lagos / Matthew Gandy -- City life in Zimbabwe at a time of fear and loathing: urban planning, urban poverty,and operation Murambatsvina/ Deborah Potts -- Social control and social welfare under neo-liberalismin South African cities: contradictions in free basic water services / Greg Ruiters.
    標題: Cities and towns - Africa. -
    標題: Africa - Economic conditions - 1960- -
    電子資源: to fulltext (Palgrave)
    ISBN: 0230603343
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