Modernization and the crisis of deve...
Dibua, Jeremiah I., (1956-)

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  • Modernization and the crisis of development in Africa : = the Nigerian experience /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Modernization and the crisis of development in Africa :/ Jeremiah I. Dibua.
    其他題名: the Nigerian experience /
    作者: Dibua, Jeremiah I.,
    出版者: Aldershot, Hampshire, England ;Ashgate, : c2006.,
    面頁冊數: xvi, 372 p. :ill. ;24 cm.
    內容註: Introduction : "experts," Africanists and Africa's development crisis -- Weberian/modernist explanations of Africa's development crisis -- Postcolonial state, state-centrism and Africa's development -- Scope and organization -- Received wisdom and Africa's development trajectory -- Concept of modernization -- Modernization and the African state -- Modernization and Africa's development trajectory before the 1980s -- Economic crisis, neo-liberalism and the new modernization -- Bringing the state back into the development process -- Conclusion -- Colonial antecedents -- Imposition of colonial rule -- Indirect rule and the colonial policy of divide and rule -- Colonialism and the Nigerian state -- Colonialism and the Nigerian bourgeoisie -- Colonial reforms and consolidation of modernization, 1945-1960 -- Political reforms -- Economic reforms -- Conclusion -- Democratic experiments and sustainable democracy -- The first democratic experiment, 1960-1966 -- Mohammed/Obasanjo's transition to civil rule program, 1975-1979 -- The second democratic experiment, 1979-1983 -- Endless transition to civil rule, 1986-1998 -- "Credible" transition to civil rule, 1998-1999 -- The third democratic experiment and sustainable democracy -- Conclusion -- Technology transfer and the crisis of industrialization -- Problematic and dialectics of technology transfer -- Nigerian government's policy on technology transfer -- Import substitution industrialization and technology transfer -- Indigenous technology and industrialization -- Conclusion -- The dialectics of agricultural transformation -- Polemics of agricultural modernization -- Modernization and agricultural development trajectory -- Integrated rural development programs -- National accelerated food production program -- Operation feed the nation -- Green revolution -- Directorate of food, roads, and rural infrastructure -- Agricultural development projects -- Large-scale capital-intensive farms -- River basin development
    內容註: authorities and large-scale irrigation schemes -- Conclusion -- Oil and economic development strategies, 1970-1986 -- The performance of oil -- Oil and public expenditure -- Oil and development planning -- Industrial development -- Economic nationalism and the indigenization policy -- Conclusion -- Economic crisis and structural adjustment program -- The structural adjustment program -- Devaluation and the economic crisis -- SAP and the manufacturing sector -- SAP, agriculture and rural development -- SAP and the social sector -- Nigerian women and SAP -- Conclusion -- State, youth and women movements, 1986-1998 -- The students' movement -- Pre-SAP students' movement -- The anti-SAP demonstrations -- Students and the transition to civil rule programs -- State-sponsored feminism -- Better life program -- Family support program -- Family economic advancement program -- Conclusion.
    標題: Nigeria - Economic conditions - 1960- -
    ISBN: 0754642283 (hbk.)
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
F0064383 六樓西文書區HC-Z(6F Western Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 HC1055 D49 2006 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •