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  • 波羅的海綜合運費指數、商品研究局現貨指數與台灣食品、紡織、鋼鐵、運輸類股指數連動性之探討 = = The Linkages between the Baltic Dry Index, the Commodity Research Bureau Spot Index, Foodstuffs, Textile, Steel, and Transportation Stocks as well as the Associated Indices in the Taiwan Stock Market. /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 波羅的海綜合運費指數、商品研究局現貨指數與台灣食品、紡織、鋼鐵、運輸類股指數連動性之探討 = / 彭君文撰
    Reminder of title: The Linkages between the Baltic Dry Index, the Commodity Research Bureau Spot Index, Foodstuffs, Textile, Steel, and Transportation Stocks as well as the Associated Indices in the Taiwan Stock Market. /
    remainder title: The Linkages between the Baltic Dry Index, the Commodity Research Bureau Spot Index, Foodstuffs, Textile, Steel, and Transportation Stocks as well as the Associated Indices in the Taiwan Stock Market.
    Author: 彭君文
    other author: 蕭朝興
    Published: [花蓮縣壽豐鄉] : [國立東華大學高階經營管理碩士在職專班], : 民99[2010],
    Description: 8,98面 : 圖,表 ; 30公分
    Notes: 本論文公開閱覽日期為2013年7月3日
    Subject: 波羅的海綜合運費指數 -
    Online resource: http://etd.lib.ndhu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0703110-233649PDF全文
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
GE0110908 五樓論文區 (5F Theses & Dissertations) 03.不外借_N 本校碩士論文 T 490 4210 2010 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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