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  • Anti-semitism = a history and psychoanalysis of contemporary hatred /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Anti-semitism/ Avner Falk.
    其他題名: a history and psychoanalysis of contemporary hatred /
    作者: Falk, Avner.
    出版者: Westport, Conn. :Praeger, : 2008.,
    面頁冊數: vii, 303 p. ;25 cm.
    內容註: Jew-hatred, Judeophobia, and anti-Judaism -- What is anti-semitism? -- Different types of antisemitism -- Eugenics, racism, and genocide -- Anti-semitism, eugenics, and racism -- "Scientific" anti-semitism -- Xenophobia, nationalism, and anti-semitism -- Some aspects of the history of anti-semitism -- Human child sacrifice and anti-semitism -- Anti-semitism in antiquity -- Christianity and anti-semitism -- Medieval anti-Judaism -- Modern Judeophobia -- Martin Luther, the German Reformation, and the Jews -- Modern and contemporary anti-semitism -- The beginning of the twentieth century -- A collective psychosis? -- Jewish self-hatred -- Zionism and anti-semitism -- Fighting anti-semitism : Zionists and anti-Zionists -- Arab and Muslim anti-semitism -- Sigmund Freud and anti-semitism -- Psychoanalysis and anti-semitism -- Criticizing and expanding Freud's ideas -- Unconscious aspects of anti-semitism -- Evil : psychoanalytic perspectives -- Evil, racism, and anti-semitism -- The Jew's body -- The inability to mourn -- Individual and collective anti-semitism -- The individual, the family, and anti-semitism -- Collective psychological processes -- "Psychological" anti-semitism -- The case of John Jay Ray -- "Not an antisemitic bone in my body" -- "Evolutionary" anti-semitism -- Japanese anti-semitism : Judeophobia without Jews -- "Psychoanalytic" anti-semitism -- The case of Carl Gustav Jung -- The case of Masud Khan -- The case of Annemarie D�uhrssen -- The case of Jacqueline Rose -- A "ferocious silence"? -- Abusing psychohistory -- Anti-semitism and "the Jewish science" -- Nazi anti-semitism and the Holocaust -- A "German-Jewish symbiosis"? -- The language of the Third Reich -- "Ordinary men" and "eliminatory anti-semitism" -- Psychoanalytic studies of Nazism -- Heinrich Himmler : bureaucratized mass murder -- Were the Nazi murderers "normal"? -- Holocaust disguised as "historical revision" -- Holocaust denial and "historical revision" -- The Garaudy affair -- Jewish scholars and the Holocaust -- The Hannah Arendt controversy -- Zygmunt Bauman : personal history and Nazism -- Contemporary anti-semitism -- Recent psychoanalytic studies -- Mastering the past? -- Modern French anti-semitism -- Holocaust survivors : "Jean Am�ery," Simon Wiesenthal, Leon Wieslicer -- Related issues -- Jews, women, and homosexuals -- American anti-semitism -- Literature and anti-semitism.
    標題: Antisemitism - Psychological aspects. -
    電子資源: electronic book in the ABC-CLIO eBooks Online database, accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information.
    ISBN: 0313353840 (alk. paper)
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •