Providence and the invention of the ...
Guyatt, Nicholas, (1973-)

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  • Providence and the invention of the United States, 1607-1876 /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Providence and the invention of the United States, 1607-1876 // Nicholas Guyatt.
    作者: Guyatt, Nicholas,
    出版者: Cambridge ;Cambridge University Press, : 2007.,
    面頁冊數: ix, 341 p. ;24 cm.
    內容註: Britain, America, and the emergence of providential separatism -- Providence and the problem of England in early America -- "Openinge a doore" : 1600-1640 -- "A constant correspondence" : 1640-1660 -- "To rip up the womb of time" : 1660-1700 -- Conclusion: "magnalia dei" -- "Empires are mortal" : the origins of providential separatism, 1756-1775 -- "This providential key" : providence and public affairs in Hanoverian Britain -- "The indulgence of heaven" : national identity in the Seven Years' War -- "A dream in the night" : the discontinuities of British history -- "That awful goal" : imperial decline and the future of America -- "Open paths" : the development of American providentialism -- Conclusion: "people of different genius" -- "Becoming a nation at once" : providentialism and the American Revolution -- "The asylum of liberty and true religion" : patriot providentialism -- "To deceive the elect" : the limits of providential appeal -- "Pencillers of providence" : Britain and the meaning of the revolution -- Conclusion: thanksgiving 1783/1784 -- Providence, race and the limits of revolution -- "Our glorious example" : the limits of revolutionary providentialism -- Providence, reform and revolution, 1786-1796 -- Confounded expectations : 1796-1808 -- "The illustrious hereafter" : 1808-1815 -- Conclusion: "citizens of the world" -- "Deifying prejudice" : race and removal in the early republic -- "The hand of heaven is in it" : the blueprint for Indian removal -- "A divine impulse" : removing Blacks -- "The obvious designs of Heaven" : providence and the politics of removal -- Conclusion: "judgments are yet to be visited upon us" -- "Divided destinies" : the providential meanings of American slavery -- "The fulfillment of our mission" : expansion and its critics -- Slavery and providence -- "The key to American history" : slavery and the rationale for secession -- Conclusion: "that great idea of national continuity" -- "The regenerated nation" : the Civil
    內容註: War and the price of reunion -- "What is to be the mission of this nation?" : God and the Confederacy -- "We will retrieve our destiny" : slavery, war, and reunion -- Conclusion: "the great deliverance" -- William Lloyd Garrison's complaint -- Providence and the new South -- "The sacred significance of this war" -- Conclusion: "centennial reflections".
    標題: Nationalism - Religious aspects -
    標題: United States - Church history. -
    ISBN: 0521687306 (pbk.)
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W0104954 五樓西文書區A-HB(5F Western Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 BR515 G89 2007 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
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