The new unconscious
Bargh, John A.

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  • The new unconscious
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The new unconscious/ edited by Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman, John A. Bargh.
    其他作者: Bargh, John A.
    出版者: Oxford ;Oxford University Press, : 2005.,
    面頁冊數: xii, 592 p. :ill. ;25 cm.
    叢書名: Oxford series in social cognition and social neuroscience
    內容註: Introduction : Becoming aware of the new unconscious / James S. Uleman -- Who is the controller of controlled processes? / Daniel M. Wegner -- Bypassing the will : toward demystifying the nonconscious control of social behavior/ John A. Bargh -- The interaction of emotion and cognition : the relation between the human amygdala and cognitive awareness / Elizabeth A. Phelps -- The power of the subliminal : on subliminal persuasion and other potential applications/ Ap Dijksterhuis, Henk Aarts, and Pamela K. Smith -- Nonintentional similarity processing / Arthur B. Markman and Dedre Gentner --The mechanics of imagination : automaticity and control in counterfactual thinking/ Neal J. Roese, Lawrence J. Sanna, and Adam D. Galinsky -- Compensatory automaticity : unconscious volition is not an oxymoron / Jack Glaser and John F. Kihlstrom -- Nonconscious control and implicit working memory/ Ran R. Hassin -- Folk theory of mind : conceptual foundations of human social cognition / Bertram F. Malle -- The development of the intention concept : from the observable world to the unobservable mind/ Jodie A. Baird and Janet Wilde Astington -- Theory of mind : conscious attribution and spontaneous trait inference / Angeline S. Lillard and Lori Skibbe -- The glimpsed world : unintended communication and unintended perception/ Y. Susan Choi, Heather M. Gray, and Nalini Ambady -- Beyond the perception-behavior link : the ubiquitous utility and motivational moderators of nonconscious mimicry / Tanya L. Chartrand, William W. Maddux, and Jessica L. Lakin -- Implicit impressions/ James S. Uleman, Steven L. Blader, and Alexander Todorov -- Attitudes as accessibility bias : dissociating automatic and controlled processes / B. Keith Payne, Larry L. Jacoby, and Alan J. Lambert -- The unconscious relational self/ Susan M. Andersen, Inga Reznik, and Noah S. Glassman -- The control of the unwanted/ Peter M. Gollwitzer, Ute C. Bayer, and Kathleen C. McCulloch -- Motivational sources of unintended thought : irrational intrusions or side effects of rational strategies?/ E. Tory Higgins -- Going beyond the motivation given : self-control and situational control over behavior / Yaacov Trope and Ayelet Fishbach.
    標題: Subconsciousness. -
    電子資源: electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    ISBN: 1423720113 (electronic bk.)
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