[NT 15003449]: |
Digital memory and the problem of forgetting / Chris Locke -- Places, politics and the archiving of contemporary memory/ Peter Carrier -- Reinscriptions: commemoration, restoration and the interpersonal transmission of histories and memories under modern states in Asia and Europe / Stephan Feuchtwang -- Screening trauma: Forrest Gump, film and memory/ Susannah Radstone -- Memory, subjectivity and intimacy: the historical formation of the modern self and the writing of female autobiography / Gillian Swanson -- Children: memories, fantasies and narratives: from dilemma to complexity/ Amal Treacher -- Memory work: the key to women's anxiety / Frigga Haug -- A journey through memory / Annette Kuhn -- Method in our madness: identity and power in a memory work method / Marriette Clare and Richard Johnson |