談判的藝術 = The art of negotiating /
Bureau of Business Practice

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  • 談判的藝術 = The art of negotiating /
  • Record Type: Projected and video material : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 談判的藝術/ Bureau of Business Practice著作 ; 弘品實業股份有限公司發行
    Reminder of title: The art of negotiating /
    remainder title: The art of negotiating
    Corporate Body: Bureau of Business Practice
    Published: 台北市 : 弘品實業股份有限公司發行, : 19??[民??],
    Description: 1捲錄影帶 : 有聲 ; 1/2吋1冊學員手冊
    Notes: 英語發音、中文字幕
    Subject: 企業管理 -
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