內容註: |
Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1: Waters and Geology of the Dakotas -- 1.1 The Dakotas -- 1.2 Level III Ecoregions -- Lake Agassiz Plain -- Western Corn Belt Plains -- Northern Glaciated Plains -- Northwestern Glaciated Plains -- Northwestern Great Plains -- Nebraska Sand Hills -- High Plains -- Middle Rockies -- 1.3 Major Rivers of the Dakotas -- 1.3.1 Mississippi River Basin -- Missouri River Drainage (Mississippi River Basin) -- Upper Mississippi River Drainage (Mississippi River Basin) -- 1.3.2 Nelson River Basin -- Red River of the North Drainage (Nelson River Basin) -- Chapter 2: History of Ichthyology in the Dakotas -- 2.1 Prehistoric Fishes -- 2.2 1800s -- 2.3 Early 1900s -- 2.4 Post Reservoir Construction: 1950s to Today -- Chapter 3: Distribution and Status of Fishes in the Dakotas -- 3.1 Distribution -- 3.2 Unsubstantiated Species -- Chapter 4: Collection, Preservation, and Identification -- 4.1 Collection -- 4.2 Preservation -- 4.3 Identification -- 4.4 Equipment -- 4.5 Body Plan -- 4.6 Fins -- 4.7 Scales -- 4.8 Counts and Measurements -- 4.9 Dissection -- Chapter 5: Dichotomous Keys -- 5.1 Key to the Families of Fishes in the Dakotas -- 5.2 Key to Lampreys of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.3 Key to Sturgeons of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.4 Key to Paddlefish of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.5 Key to Gars of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.6 Key to Bowfin of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.7 Key to Eels of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.8 Key to Mooneyes of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.9 Key to Shad of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.10 Key to Thread Herrings of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.11 Key to Suckers of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.13 Key to Sharpbellies of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.14 Key to Minnows of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.15 Key to Catfish of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.16 Key to Pikes and Mudminnows of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.17 Key to Salmonids of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.18 Key to Smelts of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.19 Key to Trout-Perch of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.20 Key to Burbot of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.21 Key to Cichlids of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.22 Key to Topminnows of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.23 Key to Centrarchids of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.24 Key to Temperate Basses of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.25 Key to Percids of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.26 Key to Drums of North Dakota and South Dakota -- 5.27 Key to Sticklebacks of North Dakota and South Dakota -- Chapter 6: Species Accounts -- 6.1 Species Accounts -- 6.2 Petromyzontidae, Lamprey Family -- Chestnut Lamprey Ichthyomyzon castaneus -- Silver Lamprey Ichthyomyzon unicuspis -- 6.3 Acipenseridae, Sturgeon Family -- Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens -- Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus -- Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus -- 6.4 Polyodontidae, Paddlefish Family -- Paddlefish Polyodon spathula -- 6.5 Lepisosteidae, Gar Family -- Longnose Gar Lepisosteus osseus -- Shortnose Gar Lepisosteus platostomus -- 6.6 Amiidae, Bowfin Family -- Emerald Bowfin Amia ocellicauda -- 6.7 Anguillidae, Freshwater Eel Family -- American Eel Anguilla rostrata -- 6.8 Hiodontidae, Mooneye Family -- Goldeye Hiodon alosoides -- Mooneye Hiodon tergisus -- 6.9 Alosidae, Shad Family -- Skipjack Herring Alosa chrysochloris -- Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus -- 6.10 Dorosomatidae, Thread Herring Family -- Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum -- Threadfin Shad Dorosoma petenense -- 6.11 Catostomidae, Sucker Family -- River Carpsucker Carpiodes carpio -- Quillback Carpiodes cyprinus -- Highfin Carpsucker Carpiodes velifer -- Longnose Sucker Catostomus catostomus -- White Sucker Catostomus commersonii -- Blue Sucker Cycleptus elongatus -- Smallmouth Buffalo Ictiobus bubalus -- Bigmouth Buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus -- Black Buffalo Ictiobus niger -- Silver Redhorse Moxostoma anisurum -- River Redhorse Moxostoma carinatum -- Golden Redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum -- Shorthead Redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum -- Greater Redhorse Moxostoma valenciennesi -- Plains Sucker Pantosteus jordani -- 6.12 Cyprinidae, Barb and Carp Family -- Goldfish Carassius auratus -- Common Carp Cyprinus carpio -- 6.13 Xenocyprididae, Sharpbelly Family -- Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella -- Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix -- Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis -- 6.14 Leuciscidae, Minnow Family -- River Shiner Alburnops blennius -- Central Stoneroller Campostoma anomalum -- Largescale Stoneroller Campostoma oligolepis -- Northern Redbelly Dace Chrosomus eos -- Southern Redbelly Dace Chrosomus erythrogaster -- Finescale Dace Chrosomus neogaeus -- Lake Chub Couesius plumbeus -- Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis -- Spotfin Shiner Cyprinella spiloptera -- Bigmouth Shiner Ericymba dorsalis -- Spottail Shiner Hudsonius hudsonius -- Western Silvery Minnow Hybognathus argyritis -- Brassy MinnowHybognathus hankinsoni -- Plains Minnow Hybognathus placitus -- Common Shiner Luxilus cornutus -- Sturgeon Chub Macrhybopsis gelida -- Shoal Chub Macrhybopsis hyostoma -- Sicklefin Chub Macrhybopsis meeki -- Silver Chub Macrhybopsis storeriana -- Northern Pearl Dace Margariscus nachtriebi -- Pugnose Shiner Miniellus anogenus -- Sand Shiner Miniellus stramineus -- Topeka Shiner Miniellus topeka -- Hornyhead Chub Nocomis biguttatus -- Golden Shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas -- Emerald Shiner Notropis atherinoides -- Blacknose Shiner Notropis heterolepis -- Carmine Shiner Notropis percobromus -- Silverband Shiner Paranotropis shumardi -- Mimic Shiner Paranotropis volucellus -- Suckermouth Minnow Phenacobius mirabilis -- Bluntnose Minnow Pimephales notatus -- Fathead Minnow Pimephales promelas -- Flathead Chub Platygobio gracilis -- Longnose Dace Rhinichthys cataractae -- Western Blacknose Dace Rhinichthys obtusus -- Rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus -- Creek Chub Semotilus atromaculatus -- 6.15 Ictaluridae, North American Catfish Family -- Black Bullhead Ameiurus melas -- Yellow Bullhead Ameiurus natalis -- Brown Bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus -- BlueCatfish Ictalurus furcatus -- Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus -- Stonecat Noturus flavus -- Tadpole Madtom Noturus gyrinus -- Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris -- 6.16 Esocidae, Pike and Mudminnow Family -- Redfin Pickerel Esox americanus -- Northern Pike Esox lucius -- Muskellunge Esox masquinongy -- Central Mudminnow Umbra limi -- 6.17 Salmonidae, Salmon, Trout, and Char Family -- Cisco Coregonus artedi -- Lake Whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis -- Coastal Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii -- Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss -- Kokanee Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka -- Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha -- Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar -- Brown Trout Salmo trutta -- Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis -- Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush -- 6.18 Osmeridae, Smelt Family -- Rainbow Smelt Osmerus mordax -- 6.19 Percopsidae, Trout-Perch Family -- Trout-Perch Percopsis omiscomaycus -- 6.20 Gadidae, Cod Family -- Burbot Lota lota -- 6.21 Cichlidae, Cichlid Family -- Jack Dempsey Rocio octofasciata -- 6.22 Fundulidae, Topminnow and Killifish Family -- Banded Killifish Fundulus diaphanous -- Northern Plains Killifish Fundulus kansae -- Plains Topminnow Fundulus sciadicus -- 6.23 Centrarchidae, Sunfish Family -- Rock Bass Ambloplites rupestris -- Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus -- Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus -- Orangespotted Sunfish Lepomis humilis -- Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus -- Redear Sunfish Lepomis microlophus -- Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu -- Largemouth Bass Micropterus nigricans -- White Crappie Pomoxis annularis -- Black Crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus -- 6.24 Moronidae, Temperate Bass Family -- White Bass Morone chrysops -- Yellow Bass Morone mississippiensis -- Striped Bass Morone saxatilis -- 6.25 Percidae, Perch and Darter Family -- Iowa Darter Etheostoma exile -- Johnny Darter Etheostoma nigrum -- Yellow Perch Perca flavescens -- Logperch Percina caprodes -- Blackside Darter Percina maculata -- Slenderhead Darter Percina phoxocephala -- River Darter Percina shumardi -- Sauger Sander canadensis -- Zander Sander lucioperca -- Walleye Sander vitreus -- 6.26 Sciaenidae, Drum and Croaker Family -- Freshwater Drum Aplodinotus grunniens -- 6.27 Gasterosteidae, Stickleback Family -- Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans -- 7 Glossary. |