內容註: |
Chapter 1. Introduction (Jacek Malinowski and Rafał Palczewski) -- Chapter 2. Biogram (Janusz Czelakowski) -- Chapter 3. Section of logic in Łódź 1982-1992 (Jacek Malinowski) -- Part 1: Surveys -- Chapter 4. Janusz Czelakowski's research on the theory of matrices and its applications in the seventies and eighties of the 20th century (Josep Maria Font and Ramon Jansana) -- Chapter 5. A gentle introduction to the Leibniz hierarchy (Tommaso Moraschini) -- Chapter 6. Czelakowski's work on quasivarieties (Miguel Campercholi and Diego Castaño) -- Chapter 7. On J. Czelakowski's contributions to quantum logic and the foundation of quantum mechanics (Davide Fazio) -- Chapter 8. Actions and deontology: Janusz Czelakowski on actions and their assessment (Fengkui Ju and Piotr Kulicki) -- Part 2: Research -- Chapter 9. Assertional logics and the Frege hierarchy (Hugo Albuquerque and Ramon Jansana) -- Chapter 10. Characterization of strong day implication systems (Sergey Babenyshev) -- Chapter 11. SCI - Sequentcalculi, cut elimination and interpolation property (Andrzej Indrzejczak) -- Chapter 12. Some more theorems on structural entailment relations and non-deterministic semantics (Carlos Caleiro, Sérgio Marcelino, and Umberto Rivieccio) -- Chapter 13. Boolean-like algebras of finite dimension: From Boolean products to semiring products (Antonio Bucciarelli, Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli, and Antonino Salibra) -- Chapter 14. Logic of action from the perspective of knowledge representation (Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, and Elise Perrotin) -- Chapter 15. Implication in sharply paraorthomodular and relatively paraorthomodular posets (Ivan Chajda, Davide Fazio, Helmut Länger, Antonio Ledda, and Jan Paseka) -- Chapter 16. My final comments to the volume (Janusz Czelakowski) -- Chapter 17. List of publications of Janusz Czelakowski. |