The Palgrave international handbook ...
Hall, Richard.

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  • The Palgrave international handbook of Marxism and education
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: The Palgrave international handbook of Marxism and education/ edited by Richard Hall, Inny Accioly, Krystian Szadkowski.
    other author: Hall, Richard.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    Description: xxi, 623 p. :illustrations, digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: PART I - 1. Introduction: The Relevance of Marxism to Education -- 2. Marx, Materialism and Education -- 3. Value in Education: Its web of social forms -- 4. Breaking Bonds: How Academic Capitalism Feeds Processes of Academic Alienation -- 5. The Class in Race, Gender, and Learning -- 6. Foundations and Challenges of Polytechnic Education -- 7. Liberation Theology, Marxism and Education -- 8. Marxism and Adult Education -- 9. In-Against-Beyond Metrics-Driven University: A Marxist Critique of the Capitalist Imposition of Measure on Academic Labour -- 10. Classroom as a Site of Class Struggle -- 11. Science Communication, Competitive Project-based Funding and the Formal Subsumption of Academic Labour Under Capital -- 12. Commodification, the Violence of Abstraction, and Measuring Socially Necessary Labor Time: A Marxist Analysis of High-Stakes Testing and Capitalist Education in the United States -- 13. The Reproduction of Capitalism in Education: Althusser and the Educational Ideological State Apparatus -- PART II - 14. Critique of the Political Economy of Education: Methodological Notes for the Analysis of Global Educational Reforms -- 15. The Beginnings of Marxism and Workers' Education in the Spanish-speaking Southern Cone: The Case of Chile -- 16. Commodification and Financialization of Education in Brazil: Trends and Particularities of Dependent Capitalism -- 17. Critical Environmental Education, Marxism and Environmental Conflicts: Some Contributions in the Light of Latin America -- 18. Green Marxism, Ecocentric Pedagogies and De-capitalization/Decolonization -- 19. Indian Problem to Indian Solution: Using a Racio-Marxist Lens to Expose the Invisible War in Education -- 20. Re-reading Socialist Art: the Potential of Queer Marxism in Education -- 21. Making Sense of Neoliberalism's New Nexus between Work and Education, Teachers' Work, and Teachers' Labor Activism: Implications for Labor and the Left -- 22. Contemporary Student Movements and Capitalism: A Marxist Debate -- PART III - 23. Revisiting and Revitalizing Need as Non-Dualist Foundation for a (R)evolutionary Pedagogy -- 24. Reproduction in Struggle -- 25. State and Public Policy in Education: From the Weakness of the Public to an Agenda for Social Development and Redistribution -- 26. Marxism, (Higher) Education and the Commons -- 27. Marx, Critique, and Abolition: Higher Education as Infrastructure -- 28. Toward a Decolonial Marxism: Considering the Dialectics and Analectics in the Counter-Geographies of Women of the Global South -- 29. The (im)possibilities of Revolutionary Pedagogical-Political Kinship (m)otherwise: The Gifts of (Autonomous) Marxist Feminisms and Decolonial/Abolitionist Communitarian Feminisms to Pedagogical-Political Projects of Collective Liberation -- 30. Marxism in an Activist Key: Educational Implications of an Activist-Transformative Philosophy.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    Subject: Socialism and education. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783031372520
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •