Clinicopathological correlation of o...
Tilakaratne, Wanninayake M.

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  • Clinicopathological correlation of oral diseases
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Clinicopathological correlation of oral diseases/ edited by Wanninayake M Tilakaratne, Thomas George Kallarakkal.
    其他作者: Tilakaratne, Wanninayake M.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: xvii, 757 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Pulp and Periodontal Diseases: Pain in the Upper Back Tooth - Pulpitis -- Pus Discharging from the Gum - Periodontal Disease. Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer: Burning Sensation to Spicy Food - OSF -- White Patch on the Buccal Mucosa - Leukoplakia -- A Red Patch on the Cheek - Erythroplakia -- Sore Mouth - Oral Lichen Planus -- Non Healing Painless Ulcer on the Tongue - Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oral Mucosal Pigmented Lesions: Brownish Black Patch on the Cheek - Amalgam Tattoo -- A Fast Growing Black Patch on the Upper Gum - Melanoma -- A Black Patch on the Palate for many Years - Melanotic Macule -- Soft Reddish Lump on the Lip - Hemangioma -- A Reddish Growth on the Hard Palate - Kaposi Sarcoma. Temporomandibular Disorders: Pain During Mouth Opening - TMJ/Myalgia -- Bilateral Pain in front of the Ear during Mouth Opening - TMJ/Arthralgia. Tumours of Odontogenic Origin: Large Swelling of the Back of the Lower Jaw - Ameloblastoma -- Swelling in the Anterior Maxilla - Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour -- A Rapidly Growing Swelling in the Posterior Mandible - Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma -- Odontogenic and Non-Odontogenic Cysts: Large Swelling at the Back of the Right Mandible - Odontogenic Keratocyst -- Dull Pain and Swelling in the Upper Front Jaw - Radicular Cyst -- A Slow Growing Swelling in the Jaw - Dentigerous Cyst -- Lump in the Floor of the Mouth - Dermoid/Epidermoid Cyst -- Trauma to the Lower Lip - Mucocele. Developmental Alterations of the Oral Mucosa: Multiple White Lesions of Recent Onset - Candidosis -- Slow Growing Lump on the Buccal Mucosa - HPV Infection-Papilloma, Condyloma, Viral Wart -- Pustules on one Side of the Face - Herpes Zoster -- Non Healing Ulcer on the Palate in a Long Term Diabetic Patient - Deep Fungal Infection -- Deep Seated Lump in the Buccal Mucosa - Dirofilariasis -- Inability to Wear the Dentures - Denture Induced Stomatitis -- Fever with Ulcers in the Mouth -Herpes Simplex -- Persistent Ulcer on the Tongue with Cough -Tuberculosis -- Painful Discharging Lump - Dentoalveolar Abscess. Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune Disorders: Blisters on the Buccal Mucosa - Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Oral Manifestations of Hematological Disorders: Multiple Reddish Swellings on the Gum - Leukaemia -- Generalised Weakness and Recurrent Ulcers on the Tongue - Anaemia. Oral Mucosal Ulcerations: Ulceration Related to New Dentures - Traumatic Ulcer -- A Painful Non-Healing Ulcer on the Tongue - TUGSE -- Crusting and Ulceration of Lips - Erythema Multiforme -- Painful Recurrent Ulcers in the Mouth - Aphthous Ulcers. Granulomatous Disorders: Generalized Swelling of the Lip - Orofacial Granulomatosis -- Swelling of the Lips and Shortness of Breath - Sarcoidosis. Neurological Disorders: Asymmetry of Face - Bell's Palsy -- Unbearable Pain in the Left Lower Jaw - Trigeminal Neuralgia. Fibro-Cemento Osseous Lesions: Slow Growing Hard Lump over the Cheek- Fibrous Dysplasia -- Fast Growing Bony Hard Lump - Ossifying Fibroma -- Accidental Finding on the Radiograph - Periapical Cemental Dysplasia -- Multiple Bony Hard Swellings in the Lower Jaw - Florid Cemento Osseous Dysplasia. Reactive Lesions And Benign Tumours of the Oral Mucosa: Painless Nodule on the Cheek - Fibroepithelial Polyp -- Red Lump on the Gum - Pyogenic Granuloma -- Lump on the Tongue - Schwanomma. Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune Disorders: Blisters and Ulcers on the Soft Palate - Pemphigus. Salivary Gland Disorders: Dry Mouth and Red Eyes - Sjogren Syndrome -- Lump on the Back of the Palate - Pleomorphic Adenoma -- Swelling in/on the Floor of the Mouth - Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma -- A Painless Swelling on the Left Cheek - Warthin Tumour -- Intermittent Pain and Swelling in the Floor of the Mouth - Sialolithiasis -- Lump on the Palate - Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Orofacial Syndromes: Multiple Pigmented Patches on the Face- Naevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome -- A Hard Lump at the Back of the Lower Jaw - Gardner's Syndrome -- Lump in the Tongue and Face - Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Von Recklinghausen Disease.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Mouth - Diseases -
    ISBN: 9783031244087
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •