Why the poor pay more = how to stop ...
Squires, Gregory D.

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  • Why the poor pay more = how to stop predatory lending /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Why the poor pay more/ edited by Gregory D. Squires ; foreword by Clarence Page.
    其他題名: how to stop predatory lending /
    其他作者: Squires, Gregory D.
    出版者: Westport, Conn. :Praeger, : 2004.,
    面頁冊數: ix, 238 p. :ill. ;25 cm.
    內容註: The new redlining / Gregory D. Squires -- The targets of predatory lending : who are they and where do they live? / John Taylor, Josh Silver, and David Berenbaum -- The economic consequences of predatory lending : a Philadelphia case study / Ira Goldstein -- Predatory lending practices : definition and behavioral implications / Patricia A. McCoy -- Legal and economic inducements to predatory practices / Keith Ernst, Deborah N. Goldstein, and Christopher A. Richardson -- Community organizing and advocacy : fighting predatory lending and making a difference / Maude Hurd and Lisa Donner, with Camellia Philips -- Designing federal legislation that works : legal remedies for predatory lending / John P. Relman, Fred Rivera, Meera Trehan, and Shilpa S. Satoskar -- Predatory lending goes global : consumer protection in a deregulation network economy / Matthew Lee -- Predatoriness, and what we can do about it / Chester Hartman.
    標題: Discrimination in mortgage loans - United States. -
    電子資源: https://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9780313067907An electronic book in the ABC-CLIO eBooks Online database, accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information.
    ISBN: 0313067902 (e-Book)
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