Place naming, identities and geograp...
O'Reilly, Gerry.

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  • Place naming, identities and geography = critical perspectives in a globalizing and standardizing world /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Place naming, identities and geography/ edited by Gerry O'Reilly.
    其他題名: critical perspectives in a globalizing and standardizing world /
    其他作者: O'Reilly, Gerry.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: xviii, 632 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Introduction: Approaching place naming narratives -- Part I: Challenging conceptual and theoretical approaches to place naming -- Assessing the validity of critical toponymy perspectives for understanding human perception of places: An analytical framework -- Legacies and place naming: Perspectives from Korea and Japan -- Place naming and neotoponymy: French experiences through the lens of a Theoretical Framework -- Geographical Names in Argentina: Present and Challenges -- Toponymy, Scale and the Change of Scale. A Geographical and Linguistic Challenge -- The mystery of hydronomy in the land of Israel -- United Nations capacity building in toponymy -- Part II: Approaches to implementing standardization of place names -- Standardization of geographical names on land and sea in Slovenia -- The New Zealand geographic board and the contested nature of place names in New Zealand -- Theorising multiple place names in Southern Africa -- Conflicts and challenges in the standardisation of geographical names in Spain -- Language policies in the field of toponymy: Perspectives on Spain -- Urban toponymy in Turkey -- Cultural crossroads in toponymy: Case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Part III: Geo-histories, legacies, and toponymy transitions -- Giving identity to space through (re)naming: Practice of village renaming in the period of the republic of Turkey -- Geo-history of the toponymy of Mohács Plain, SW Hungary -- Recreating the future: Modern residential neighbourhood and existing toponyms in Sarajevo -- Street-naming in Malta as a geo-cultural and political exercise as seen from local sources -- Toponymic study of the map of New Lusitania: A Portuguese cartographic monument from the 18th century -- Names and naming of collective farms in (the) Soviet Estonia -- Part IV: Toponymy: Narratives, languages, culture, and education -- Reading Ireland's colonial and postcolonial toponymic landscapes -- Translating topographies: Brian Friel's approach to language, landscape, and toponymy in Ireland -- The overlaid past: The politics of space and memory in Gibraltar's 'Doubling' street naming principle -- From historical to new place names. The case of Italy -- Geographical names represent a memory of places: Case study in Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia -- The vital question of placenames and naming of places in geographical education: Concepts, activities, and questions for reflection -- Part V: The relationship between geographical naming and cultural politics -- The nexus between geographical naming, place, and the politics of power.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Names, Geographical. -
    ISBN: 9783031215100
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