Ocean governance = knowledge systems...
Partelow, Stefan.

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  • Ocean governance = knowledge systems, policy foundations and thematic analyses /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Ocean governance/ edited by Stefan Partelow, Maria Hadjimichael, Anna-Katharina Hornidge.
    其他題名: knowledge systems, policy foundations and thematic analyses /
    其他作者: Partelow, Stefan.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 436 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Part 1. Knowledge Systems -- Chapter 1. Introduction - Ocean Governance for Sustainability (Partelow et al.) -- Chapter 2. How do we know the Ocean (Hornidge & Partelow) -- Chapter 3. Managing fish or governing fisheries stakeholders? An historical recount of Fisheries Governance in the last Century (a South American Case) (Barragán et al.) -- Chapter 4. Post-War Reconnaissance of Japanese Fishery and Ocean Science and its Contribution to the Development of U.S. Scientific Programs: 1947-1954 (Finley, Carmel) -- Part 2: Policy foundations -- Chapter 5. Ocean governance from the perspective of the law of the sea: an inquiry into the past, present and future, with an emphasis on fisheries, area-based management and international seabed mineral resources. (Singh et al.) -- Chapter 6. International Fisheries Law: Past to Future -- Chapter 7. Legal aspects of the sustainable exploitation of marine energy and mineral resources (present/future) (Willemez, Alix) -- Chapter 8. Making Marine Spatial Planning Matter (Flannery, Wesley) -- Chapter 9. Marine and Coastal Governance: Lessons from Current Practice of Managing Land Sea Interactions and Marine and Coastal Governance in EU Member States (Lawlor and Depellegrin) -- Chapter 10. Developing progressive marine biodiversity indicators to support the functions of area-based management tools for the sustainable use of oceans: case studies from European territorial waters (Kaymaz, Ipek) -- Chapter 11. Ocean Governance in An Era of Climate Change: Protecting Living Marine Resources on the Sea Bed - the Need for an Integrated Approach (Borg, Simone) -- Chapter 12. The diverse legal and regulatory framework for marine policy in the North Atlantic - A case of a never-ending "horrendogram" or an opportunity for convergence? (Calado, Helena et al.) -- Part 3. Thematic Analyses -- Chapter 13. Assembling the seabed: Pan-European and interdisciplinary advances in understanding seabed mining (Chen et al.) -- Chapter 14. Societal transformations and governance challenges of coastal small-scale fisheries in the Northern Baltic Sea (Salmi, Pekka & Svels, Kristina) -- Chapter 15. Marine Governance as a process of reflexive institutionalization? The case of Arctic Shipping (Van Tatenhove) Chapter 16. The plastic bag habit on Bali: From Banana Leaf Wrappings to Reusable Bags (Schlüter et al.) Chapter 17. Market initiatives of small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean: innovation in support of sustainable blue economy (Penca, Jerneja & Said, Alicia) -- Chapter 18. Towards Just and Sustainable Blue Futures: Small-Scale Fisher Movements and Food Sovereignty (Ertör et al.) -- Chapter 19. Ocean acidification as governance challenge in the Mediterranean Sea (Bernadsek et al.) -- Chapter 20. Futuring the terra-aqueous: Reading alternative urbanities from the Java Sea (Siriwardane- de Zoysa et al.) Chapter 21. Moving forward on Ocean Governance: Key messages for students, researchers and policy-makers (Hornidge, Hadjimichael, Partelow)
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Law of the sea. -
    電子資源: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20740-2
    ISBN: 9783031207402
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •