Sustainable conservation of UNESCO a...

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  • Sustainable conservation of UNESCO and other heritage sites through proactive geosciences
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Sustainable conservation of UNESCO and other heritage sites through proactive geosciences/ edited by Gad Mohamed El-Qady, Claudio Margottini.
    other author: El-Qady, Gad.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    Description: xi, 734 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Landslide mitigation measures for the conservation of the archaeological site of Orongo (Easter Island-Chile) -- Conservation polices and mitigation measures for the Akapana Pyramid in the Tiwanaku archaeological site (Bolivia) -- Multiscale analysis of geohazards affecting the Alhambra (Spain) Cultural Heritage -- Rock mechanic characterization and 3D Kinematic analysis of Katsky pillar (Georgia) -- Petrological study on the Roman mortars from Kom El-Dikka Archaeological Site (Alexandria, Egypt) -- Electrochemical desalination of salt infected brick masonry applying a double electrode system -- Keynote: Investigation and preservation of historic foundations -- Keynote: Preventive Conservation of the Central Tower of Bayon Temple under Global Warming: Case Study in Soil Filled Foundation and Character Defining Elements of Authenticity of Foundation in Angkor, Cambodia -- Slope instability induced by climate changes on the UNESCO Etruscan necropolis (Tarquinia, Central Italy) -- Keynote: NRIAG effort to mitigate natural and geotechnical risk in cultural heritage site -- The Potential and Limitations of Electrical Resistivity and Magnetic Methods for Characterizing Highly Terrainous Archaeological Site: A Case Study At Tell Dibgou, Egypt -- The implementation of shallow geophysical survey for detection of some buried archaeological structures in Aswan city, Egypt -- The use of InfraRed Thermography (IRT) for the protection and conservation of rupestrian CH sites affected by slope instabilities -- Ground Penetrating Radar for investigating painted walls and floors of ancient buildings -- Frozen mounds of Altay mounting geophysical studies -- Keynote: Developments in the digital documentation of tangible Cultural heritage. Advances in data acquisition, processing methods and curating -- Usage of laser scanning system to document the historical heritage of Beet Al Qadi, Cairo -- An HBIM Holistic Approach for Rehabilitation of Heritage Buildings -- Keynote: Geophysics' role in investigating and mitigating groundwater hazards on archaeological sites: Case studies from "Sphinx -Giza, Kom Ombo Temple-Aswan and Hawara Pyramid-Fayoum -- Hydrogelogical hazard assessment and monitoring of Maya Devi Temple World Heritage sites in Lumbini (Nepal): the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha -- Water Infiltration and Waterproofing of Susan-ri Tomb (North Korea) -- Monitoring cultural heritage sites affected by geohazards -- Innovative structural monitoring as tool of preservation and valorisation of monumental architectures: the case of Neptune Temple in Paestum IT -- Structure Stability Analyses of Chapels Dedicated to Wives of Amun Using Non-Contact Techniques, Madinet Habu temple - Luxor - Egypt -- Integrated characterization of Apulian hypogean cultural heritage (Italy) -- Geological control on the evolution of stability of Theban tombs at Sheikh 'Abd el-Qurna, Luxor, Egypt -- Keynote: Archeoseismology and the Impact of Large Earthquakes on Cultural Heritage -- Integrated Geoscience Investigations in Hittite Imperial Sites Affected by Earthquakes -- Multi-Scenario Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Assessment of Cultural Heritage Sites -- State of buildings and related damage after the earthquake of 1856 in Jijel (Algeria) Considerations for seismic hazard assessment in Jijel and Skikda (Algeria) -- Seismic hazard assessment of a cultural heritage minaret in Cairo -- Keynote: Analysis, integration and interpretation of Big Earth data in the Copernicus Era for the documentation, monitoring and preservation of natural and cultural heritage -- The potential of satellite interferometry for geohazard assessment in cultural heritage sites -- Instability processes and SAR data analysis in the Pompeii archeological park -- Remote Sensing applications for Cultural Heritage Sites Sustainability: case studies form Egypt -- Rome walls satellite monitoring and protection by prothego methodology -- The project of Parco Archeologico del Colosseo and the Italian network of archaeological parks: from satellite monitoring to conservation and preventive maintenance policies -- Adaptation, traditions and conservation: The Case of the Asante Traditional Buildings World Heritage Site in Ghana -- Management of Cultural Assets in Sudan from the Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals -- Improvement the State of Conservation of the Georgian Rock-cut Heritage through the Multidisciplinary Approach -- The Aswan declaration.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    Subject: Historic sites - Conservation and restoration. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783031138102
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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