Conflict and resolution = the ethics...
Satne, Paula.

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  • Conflict and resolution = the ethics of forgiveness, revenge, and punishment /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Conflict and resolution/ edited by Paula Satne, Krisanna M. Scheiter.
    其他題名: the ethics of forgiveness, revenge, and punishment /
    其他作者: Satne, Paula.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2022.,
    面頁冊數: xi, 327 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS ON REVENGE AND FORGIVENESS -- Chapter 1. Plato on Anger, Revenge, and Punishment [Susan Suave Meyer (UPenn), Joshua Wilburn (Wayne State), Lewis Trelawny-Cassity (Antioch College)] -- Chapter 2. Aristotle on Anger and Revenge [Stephen Leighton (Queens), Krisanna M. Scheiter (Union College), David Konstan (NYU)] -- Chapter 3. Seneca on Anger and Revenge [Katja Vogt (Columbia), Nancy Sherman (Georgetown), Corinne Gartner (Wellesley College)] -- Chapter 4. Early Judeo-Christian Views on Forgiveness and Punishment [Jesse ouenhoven(Villanova), Micahel W. Rota (University of St. Thomas] -- Chapter 5. Spinoza on Forgiveness and Punishment [Keith Green (East Tennessee State), Andre Santos Campos (New University of Lisbon)] -- Chapter 6. Immanuel Kant on Retributive Justice [Kate Moran (Brandeis), Ernesto Garcia -- CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTS ON FORGIVENESS -- Chapter 7. Forgiveness and the Emotions [Esther Meeks (Marquette)] -- Chapter 8. Pluralistic Accounts of Forgiveness [Luke Russell (University of Sydney), Geoffrey Scarre (Durham)] -- Chapter 9. Third Person Forgiveness and Proxy Forgiveness [Geoffrey Scarre (Durham)] -- Chapter 10. Elective or Unconditional Forgiveness [Lucy Allais (UC San Diego), Glen Pettigrove (Glasgow), Eve Garrard (Manchester), David McNaughton (Florida State] -- Chapter 11. Against Unconditional Forgiveness [Cristina Roadevin (The University of Sheffield)] -- Chapter 12. Reasons to Forgive [Paula Satne (Manchester), Per Erik Milam (University of Gothenburg), Oliver Hallich (University Duisberg-Essen)] -- Chapter 13. The Unforgivable [Oliver Hallich (University Duisberg-Essen)] -- FORGIVENESS AND POLITICS -- Chapter 14. Political Forgiveness and the Emotional Model [Trudy Govier (University of Lethbridge), Amy Gutmann (UPenn), Dennis Thompson (Harvard)] -- Chapter 15. Arendtian Accounts of Political Forgiveness [Monica Mookherjee (Keele University), Masa Mrovlje (The University of Edinburgh), Alice MacLachlan (York University)] -- Chapter 16. Political Forgiveness, Justice and Accountability [Jeffrie Murphy (Arizona State University); Thomas Brudholm (Copenhagen); Colleen Murphy (Illinois)] -- Chapter 17. Political Forgiveness and Memory [Jeffrey M. Blustein (The City College of New York)] -- Chapter 18. Punishment, Forgiveness and Reconciliation [Bill Wringe (Bilkent University)] -- Chapter 19. Group Forgiveness [Leonie Smith (Manchester), Thomas Smith (Manchester)] -- REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT -- Chapter 20. Revenge and Punishment [Leo Zaibert (Union), Whitley Kaufman (UMass-Lowell), Jeffrie Murphy (Arizona State)] -- Chapter 21. The Problem with Revenge [Nancy A. Stanlick (University of Central Florida), Suzanne Uniacke (Charles Sturt), Jon Elster (Columbia), Paul Hughes (Michigan-Dearborn)] -- Chapter 22. Revenge, Punishment, and the Law [Michael Davis (IIT), Brian Rosebury (Central Lancashire), Michael Byron (Kent State)] -- Chapter 23. Vengeance and Vigilante Justice [Tamler Sommers (Houston), Peter French (Arizona State)] -- Chapter 24. Political Conflicts and the Cycle of Revenge [Nancy Sherman, David B. Hershenov, Dennis Klimchuk] -- Chapter 25. Can there be a Non-Retributive Justification for Revenge? [Martha Nussbaum (Chicago), Krisanna Scheiter (Union)].
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Forgiveness. -
    ISBN: 9783030778071
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