內容註: |
Section One - The standing of vocational education: Perennial issues, emerging concerns and ways forward -- 1. The standing of vocational education: a global concern with diverse meanings and implications (Barbara E. Stalder (Bern University of Teacher Education), Sarojni Choy and Anh Hai Le (Griffith University, Australia) -- 2. Enhancing the standing and status of vocational education (Vibe Aarkrog (Aarhus University, Denmark) Stephen Billett and Steven Hodge (Griffith University, Australia) -- Section Two - Issues, sources and consequences of the standing and status of vocational education -- 3. Understanding the purpose and standing of technical and vocational education and training (Susan James Relly, University of Oxford, United Kingdom) -- 4. Improving the image of VET: Perspectives from the developed and developing world (Stephen Billett & Anh Hai Le, Griffith University, Australia) -- 5. A perspective on the challenges for the standing of the dual apprenticeship system (Thomas Deissinger (University of Konstanz, Germany) -- 6. Shaping young people's decision-making about post-school pathways: Institutional and personal factors (Stephen Billett, Darryl Dymock, Steven Hodge and Sarojni Choy (Griffith University, Australia) -- Section Three - Country studies of the standing of vocational education and the occupation it serves -- 7. Alternance training as a way to improve attractivity of vocational education program in France (Laurent Veillard, Agrosup Dijon, France) -- 8. Promoting the Standing of VET in Finland: Balancing Between Flexibility and Regulation- (Heta Rintala (Hame University of Applied Sciences) & Petri Nokelainen (Tampere University) -- 9. Attractiveness of vocational education and training in India: Empirical findings of perspectives of employers, students and their parents and teachers (Matthias Pilz & Muthuveeran Ramayamy, University of Cologne, Germany) -- 10. The quality and standing of school-based Norwegian VET (Hilde Hiim, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway) -- 11. The standing of vocational education in Vietnam: Implications for enactments (Anh Hai Le, Griffith University, Australia) -- 12. Enhancing the standing of VET in Swiss Upper secondary education (Barbara E. Stalder, Bern University of Teacher Education, Switzerland) -- 13. The interrelations of learning environment, enrolment in and completion of VET: A Danish case (Vibe Aarkrog, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University) -- 14. Elevating the Standing of Vocational Education and Training in Romania (Maria-Carmen Pantea, BBU Cluj Napoca, Romania) -- Section Four - enhancing the standing and status of vocational education: an Australian study -- 15. Investigating enhancing the standing of vocational education and the occupation it serves: purposes: processes and phases, Anh Hai Le, Stephen Billett, Sarojni Choy and Steven Hodge (Griffith University, Australia) -- 16. Perspectives of school students, parents, teachers (Phase 1) Steven Hodge, Stephen Billett, Sarojni Choy (Griffith University, Australia) -- 17. Surveys of students, parents and teachers (Phase 2) Sarojni Choy, Anh Hai Le, Stephen Billett (Griffith University, Australia) -- 18. Issues for and suggestions to enhance the standing of vocational education and the occupation it serves (Phase 3) Darryl Dymock, Stephen Billett, Sarojni Choy (Griffith University, Australia) |