內容註: |
Assessment of the vestibular system: history and physical examination / Welgampola, M.S.; Bradshaw, A.P.; Halmagyi, G.M -- Imaging of temporal bones / Pyykke, I.; Zou, J.; Gürkov, R.; Naganawa, S.; Nakashima, T -- Videonystagmography and posturography / Falls, C -- Vestibular testing-rotary chair and dynamic visual acuity tests / Gimmon, Y.; Schubert, M.C -- Otolith function testing / Taylor, R.L.; Welgampola, M.S -- Video head impulse testing: brevity is the soul of hit / Welgampola, M.C.; Taylor, R.L.; Halmagyi, G.M -- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo / Instrum, R.S.; Parnes, L.S -- Meniere's disease / Gibson, W.P.R -- Vestibular neuritis : recent advances in etiology, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment / Le, T.N.; Westerberg, B.; Lea, J -- Perilymphatic fistulas and superior semi-circular canal dehiscence syndrome / Weinreich, H.M.; Carey, J.P -- Aminoglycoside vestibulotoxicity / Rutka, J -- Post-traumatic dizziness: clinical and medicolegal aspects / Westerberg, B.D.; Lea, J.; Cameron, A.F -- Migraine associated vertigo / Hain, T.; Cherchi, M -- An overview of central vertigo disorders / Ranalli, P -- Special considerations for the pediatric patient / Cushing, S.L.; Papsin, B.C -- The aging vestibular system : dizziness and imbalance in the elderly / Jahn, K -- Systemic disease considerations in the management of the dizzy patient / Rea, P.A.; Ronan, N -- Advances in vestibular rehabilitation / Sulway, S.; Whitney, S.L -- Psychiatric considerations in the management of dizzy patients / Staab, J.P. |