Strategic marketing for social enter...
Chiweshe, Nigel, (1983-)

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  • Strategic marketing for social enterprises in Developing nations
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Strategic marketing for social enterprises in Developing nations/ Nigel Chiweshe and Debbie Ellis, editors.
    其他作者: Chiweshe, Nigel,
    出版者: Hershey, Pennsylvania :IGI Global, : 2019.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xxix, 373 p.)
    內容註: Section 1. Strategic marketing and social enterprises: nexus of the two domains. Chapter 1. Strategic marketing for social enterprises: nexus of the two domains -- Section 2. Marketing in social enterprises. Chapter 2. Marketing in social enterprises: the role of value creation through relationship marketing ; Chapter 3. Social enterprise marketing communication ; Chapter 4. Utilization of online platforms by social entrepreneurs for social sustainable development ; Chapter 5. Social enterprise digital marketing -- Section 3. Social enterprise customers. Chapter 6. The market opportunity for social enterprise in Developing nations: the sub-saharan middle Class ; Chapter 7. Social enterprise consumers: the case of South African organic produce consumers -- Section 4. Evidence of strategic marketing in social enterprises. Chapter 8. Evidence of strategic marketing in social enterprises: lessons from a Developing nation ; Chapter 9. Strategic sustainability marketing and social responsibility in the textile industry: opportunities and challenges in Africa ; Chapter 10. Potentials of frugal innovation to combine the social and economic objectives in the marketing of social enterprises: the case of Eindollarbrille E.V. ; Chapter 11. Challenges for social enterprises in special education ; Chapter 12. The evolution of microfinance products to promote microentrepreneurship towards social progress of African countries.
    標題: Social marketing - Developing countries. -
    ISBN: 9781522578604 (ebk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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