Researching cybercrimes = methodolog...
Lavorgna, Anita.

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  • Researching cybercrimes = methodologies, ethics, and critical approaches /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Researching cybercrimes/ edited by Anita Lavorgna, Thomas J. Holt.
    其他題名: methodologies, ethics, and critical approaches /
    其他作者: Lavorgna, Anita.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2021.,
    面頁冊數: xxix, 539 p. :ill. (some col.), digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: 1. Introduction to Part I - Anita Lavorgna and Thomas J. Holt -- 2. Epistemologies of cyberspace: notes for interdisciplinary research, Anita Lavorgna -- 3. The how and why of cybercrime: the EU as a case study of the role of ideas, interests and institutions as drivers of a security-governance approach, Benjamin Farrand and Helena Carrapico -- 4. Programming the criminologist: developing cyber skills to investigate cybercrime, Ruth McAlister and Fabian Campbell-West -- 5. Profiling and predictions. Challenges in cybercrime research datafication, Bart Custers -- 6. Data-driven technologies in Justice Systems: Intersections of power, data configurations, and knowledge production, Pamela Ugwudike -- 7. Introduction to Part II, Anita Lavorgna and Thomas J. Holt -- 8. The challenges of empirically comparing cybercriminals and traditional offenders, Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg -- 9. Breaking the walls of silence: analyzing criminal investigations to improve our understanding of cybercrime - E. Rutger Leukfeldt and Edward R. Kleemans -- 10. Using digital open source and crowdsourced data in studies of deviance and crime, Rajeev V. Gundur, Mark Berry and Dean Taodang -- 11. Developing open-source databases from online sources to study online and offline phenomena, Emily Ann Greene-Colozzi, Joshua D. Freilich and Steven M. Chermak -- 12. Too much data? Opportunities and challenges of large datasets and cybercrime, Jack Hughes, Yi Ting Chua and Alice Hutchings -- 13. Use of Artificial Intelligence to support cybercrime research, Stuart E. Middleton -- 14. Honeypots for cybercrime research, Robert C. Perkins and C. Jordan Howell -- 15. Social and semantic online networks, Elena Pavan -- 16. Digital ethnography in cybercrime research: some notes from the virtual field, Nicholas Gibbs and Alexandra Hall -- 17. The meme is the method: examining the power of the image within extremist propaganda, Ashton Kingdon -- 18. Introduction to Part III, Anita Lavorgna and Thomas J. Holt -- 19. Researching cybercrime in the European Union: asking the right ethics questions, Francisco J. Castro-Toledo and Fernando Miro-Llinares -- 20. Ethical approaches to studying cybercrime: considerations, practice and experience in the United Kingdom, Brian Pickering, Silke Roth and Craig Webber -- 21. Conducting ethical research with online populations in the United States, Kacy Amory and George Burruss -- 22. Investigating the ethical boundaries for online research in Brazil, Felipe Cardoso Moreira de Oliveira -- 23. Ethics and internet-based cybercrime research in Australia, James Martin -- 24. Researching crime and deviance in Southeast Asia: challenges and ethics when using online data, Lennon Yao-Chung Chang and Souvik Mukherjee -- 25. The ethics of web crawling and web scraping in cybercrime research: navigating issues of consent, privacy and other potential harms associated with automated data collection, Russell Brewer, Bryce Westlake, Tahlia Hart and Omar Arauza -- 26. Does the institution have a plan for that? Researcher safety and the ethics of institutional responsibility, Ashley A. Mattheis and Ashton Kingdon -- 27 Engaging with incels: reflexivity, identity and the female cybercrime ethnographic researcher, Lisa Sugiura -- 28. Personal reflections on researching fraud: challenges surrounding the ethics of "doing", Cassandra Cross -- 29. At the intersection of digital research and sexual violence: insights on gaining informed consent from vulnerable participants, Tully O'Neil -- 30. Concluding thoughts, Anita Lavorgna and Thomas J. Holt.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Computer crimes. -
    ISBN: 9783030748371
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