Applied pedagogies for higher educat...
Morley, Dawn A.

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  • Applied pedagogies for higher education = real world learning and innovation across the curriculum /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Applied pedagogies for higher education/ edited by Dawn A. Morley, Md Golam Jamil.
    Reminder of title: real world learning and innovation across the curriculum /
    other author: Morley, Dawn A.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2021.,
    Description: xxiii, 415 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Chapter 1. Introduction. Real world learning - recalibrating the higher education response towards application to lifelong learning and diverse career paths; Dawn A. Morley and Md Golam Jamil -- PART I. Emerging responses in real world learning -- Chapter 2. Internal knowledge transfer: professional development programmes and embedding real world learning for full-time undergraduates; David Perrin, Connie Hancock and Ruth Miller -- Chapter 3. The role of professional networks in supporting and developing real world learning; Joanne Brindley and Stuart Sims -- Chapter 4. Real World Learning through Civic Engagement: Principles, Pedagogies and Practices; Kristine Mason O'Connor and Lindsey McEwen -- Chapter 5. Working and learning through the local community- four case studies from higher education that promote civic engagement; Dawn A. Morley, Tracey Gleeson, Kerstin Mey, Anne Warren-Perkinson, Tracey Bourne, Amy E. King, Linda Cooper and Duncan Reavey -- Real world learning and the internationalisation of higher education: approaches to making learning real for global communities -- Md Golam Jamil, Nazmul Alam, Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Mohammad Aminul Islam, A.K.M. Moniruzzaman Mollah, Annajiat Alim Rasel -- PART II. Moving learning into real world practice: extending student opportunities in higher education -- Chapter 7. Designing and supporting extraordinary work experience; Dawn A. Morley, Paul Marchbank, Tony Steyger, Lesley Taylor, Anita Diaz and Pauline Calleja -- Chapter 8. Making Projects Real in a Higher Education Context; Roy Hanney -- Chapter 9. Real world learning: Simulation and Gaming; Jonathan Lean, Jonathan Moizer, Cathrine Derham, Lesley Strachan and Zakirul Bhuiyan -- Chapter 10. Learning enterprise and entrepreneurship through real business projects; Lucy Hatt -- Chapter 11. The journey of Higher Degree Apprenticeships (HDAs); Claire Hughes and Gillian Saieva -- PART III. The journey of Higher Degree Apprenticeships (HDAs) -- Chapter 12. Making inspiration mainstream: Innovative pedagogies for the real world; Carina Buckley and Maria Kukhareva -- Chapter 13. 'Getting to the soul': radical facilitation of real world learning in higher education programmes through reflective practice; Jo Trelfa -- Chapter 14. Real world learning and authentic assessment; Melenie Archer, Dawn A. Morley and Jean-Baptiste R.G. Souppez -- Chapter 15. Using educational technology to support students' real world learning; Edward Bolton and Roger Emery -- Chapter 16. Real Time, Real World Learning - capitalising on mobile technology; Keith D. Parry, Jessica Richards, Cameron McAuliffe -- Chapter 17. Conclusion. Real world learning - researching and co constructing working definitions for curriculum development and pedagogy; Dawn A. Morley.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    Subject: Teachers - Training of. -
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    ISBN: 9783030469511
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