Traffic and Granular Flow '17
Traffic and Granular Flow (Conference) (2017 :)

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  • Traffic and Granular Flow '17
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Traffic and Granular Flow '17/ edited by Samer H. Hamdar.
    其他作者: Hamdar, Samer H.
    團體作者: Traffic and Granular Flow (Conference)
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2019.,
    面頁冊數: xxii, 535 p. :ill. (some col.), digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Part I: Roadway Vehicular Flow: Data Collection, Modeling and Simulation -- Exact Formula of Time-Headway Distribution for TASEP with Random-Sequential Update -- Impact of Next-Nearest Leading Vehicles on Followers' Driving Behaviours in Mixed Traffic -- Higher-Order Continuum Model and Its Numerical Solutions for Heterogeneous Traffic Flow with Non-lane Discipline -- Static Traffic Assignment on Ensembles of Synthetic Road Networks -- The Effect of Traffic Signals on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram -- Braess Paradox in Networks of Stochastic Microscopic Traffic Models -- Dynamical Universality Class of the Nagel-Schreckenberg and Related Models -- Prediction of Moving Bottleneck and Associated Traffic Phenomena for Automated Driving -- F→S→F Transitions in Vehicle Probe Data -- Microscopic Jam Tail Warning for Automated Driving -- Study of Vehicle-Following Behavior Under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions -- Development of a Decision-Making Model for Merging Maneuvers: A Game Theoretical Approach -- Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Validation for Collision Formation on Freeway Networks -- Towards a More Stable Traffic Flow Performance: Applying and Calibrating the Intelligent Driver Model -- Numerical Comparison Between Traffic Flow Models with and Without Adaptation Behavior -- A Game-Theoretic Approach for Minimizing Delays in Autonomous Intersections -- Part II: Pedestrian Traffic: Analytical and Empirical Studies -- Empirical Evaluation of Crowds Using Automated Methods -- Micro and Macro Pedestrian Dynamics in Counterflow: The Impact of Social Groups -- Pedestrian Flow Through Complex Infrastructure, Experiments, and Mass-Transport Processes -- Mining the Social Media Data for a Bottom-Up Evaluation of Walkability -- Experimental Investigation of Pedestrian Queuing Behaviour -- Safety Training Through Educational Online Computer Games on Crowd Evacuations? -- Hybrid Tracking System for Pedestrians in Dense Crowds -- Investigating the Effect of Social Groups in Uni-directional Pedestrian Flow -- Towards Microscopic Calibration of Pedestrian Simulation Models Using Open Trajectory Datasets: The Case Study of the Edinburgh Informatics Forum -- Influence of Gender on the Fundamental Diagram and Gait Characteristics -- Evaluation of Pedestrian Density Distribution with Respect to the Velocity Response -- Using Raspberry Pi for Measuring Pedestrian Visiting Patterns via WiFi-Signals in Uncontrolled Field Studies -- Group Parameters for Social Groups in Evacuation Scenarios -- Simulating Assisted Evacuation Using Unity3D -- An Application of New Pedestrian Tracking Sensors for Evaluating Platform Safety Risks at Swiss and Dutch Train Stations -- Influence of Pedestrian Density on the Use of the Danger Zone at Platforms of Train Stations -- Detecting Competitive Behaviors in Conflicts -- Towards Faster Navigation Algorithms on Floor Fields -- Automated Quality Assessment of Space-Continuous Models for Pedestrian Dynamics -- Prediction of Pedestrian Speed with Artificial Neural Networks -- Noise-Induced Stop-and-Go Dynamics -- Evacuation Simulation and Experiment Without Exit Information -- Fluctuations in Pedestrian Evacuation Times: Going One Step Beyond the Exit Capacity Paradigm for Bottlenecks -- Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram for Train Platforms -- Towards Safer Pedestrian Traffic: Investigation of the Impact of Social Field Characteristic on Crowd Dynamics -- Defining the Pedestrian Fundamental Diagram -- Part III From Individual Interactions to Complex Systems: Airplanes, Bicycles, Mixed Flow, Particles and Traveler Behavior -- Simulating Ground Traffic on Airports Using Cellular Automata: The CAMAT-Model -- Investigating Passengers' Seating Behavior in Suburban Trains -- How Long Does It Take to Board an Airplane? -- Assessment of Pedestrian Fatality Risk at Unsignalized Crosswalks by Means of Simulation -- Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Flow Modeling and Prospects of Natural Science Applications -- Crossing Behaviour of Social Groups: Insights from Observations at Non-signalised Intersection -- Modeling and Solving of Multiple Conflict Situations in Shared Spaces -- Vibration Driven Vehicles Flowing Through Bottlenecks -- Conflict Model of Evacuees and Vehicles on Pedestrian Crossing in the Aftermath of Disaster -- Social Force Model Describing Pedestrian and Cyclist Behaviour in Shared Spaces -- Multi-Attribute, Multi-Class, Trip-Based, Multi-Modal Traffic Network Equilibrium Model: Application to Large-Scale Network -- Microscopic Cycling Behavior Model Using Differential Game Theory -- Simulating Bicycle Traffic by the Intelligent-Driver Model: Reproducing the Traffic-Wave Characteristics Observed in a Bicycle-Following Experiment -- Large-Scale Modeling of VANET and Transportation Systems -- Activity Location Recommendation Using a Decentralized Proportional Feedback Mechanism.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Granular materials - Congresses. - Fluid dynamics -
    ISBN: 9783030114404
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •