Handbook of research on advanced mec...
Habib, Maki K., (1955-)

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  • Handbook of research on advanced mechatronic systems and intelligent robotics
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Handbook of research on advanced mechatronic systems and intelligent robotics/ Maki K. Habib, editor.
    其他作者: Habib, Maki K.,
    出版者: Hershey, PA :Engineering Science Reference, : 2020.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xv111, 466 p.)
    內容註: Control of a wing type flat-plate for an ornithopter autonomous robot with differential flatness / Elkin Veslin Díaz, Cesar Bogado-Martínez, Max Dutra, Luciano Raptopoulos -- Safe development environments for radiation tracing robots / Kai Borgeest, Daniel Kern -- A modular structured architecture using smart devices for socially embedded robot partners / Jinseok Woo, Naoyuki Kubota -- A proposed trajectory planning algorithm for mobile robot navigation based on A* algorithm / Sahin Yildirim, Sertaç Savas -- Development of a novel parallel structure for gait rehabilitation / Rogério Gonçalves, Lucas Rodrigues -- Design and implementation of a wireless robot for image processing / Md. Kamaruzzaman, Rafiqul Haque -- Locomotion interfaces for legged robots--design inspiration from natural locomotion interfaces / Hisham Abdel-Aal -- Membrane micro electro-mechanical systems for industrial applications / Mario Versaci, Francesco Morabito -- Infrared thermography for intelligent robotic systems in research industry inspections: thermography in industry processes / Alessandro Massaro, Angelo Galiano -- An algorithmic framework for kinematic study of a class of hybrid manipulators: n-loops in series / Sameer Gupta, Ashish Singla, Ekta Singla -- Analyses on engineering mechanics of robotic arm for sorting multi-materials / Zol Bahri Razali, Mohamed Mydin M. Abdul Kader -- Autonomous surgical robotics at task and subtask levels / Tamás D. Nagy, Tamas Haidegger -- Biologically inspired robotic architecture design / Gabriela Idali Ibarra Fierro, Edgar A. Martínez García, Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge -- Dynamic modelling and control of an underactuated quasi-omnidireccional hexapod / Edgar A. Martínez García, José A. Aguilera Jiménez -- Hybrid dynamic modelling and bioinspired control based on central pattern generator of biped robotic gait / Luís M. Izquierdo-Cordoba, João Maurício Rosario, Darío A. Hurtado -- Improvement of user performance in rehabilitation exercises by using a 2D and 3D augmented reality system / Renz Ocampo, Mahdi Tavakoli -- Mechatronic design of low-cost control systems for rehabilitation and assisting devices / Pierluigi Rea, Erika Ottaviano.
    標題: Mechatronics - Research. -
    電子資源: http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-7998-0137-5
    ISBN: 9781799801382 (ebk.)
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •