Handbook of research on critical thi...
Mariano, Gina J., (1975-)

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  • Handbook of research on critical thinking strategies in pre-service learning environments
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Handbook of research on critical thinking strategies in pre-service learning environments/ Gina J. Mariano, Fred J. Figliano, [editors.]
    other author: Mariano, Gina J.,
    Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania :Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), : 2019,
    Description: 1 online resource (xxv, 657 p.)
    [NT 15003449]: A.C.C.E.S.S.ing reflective critical thinking around culture as a key lever in learning / Kristen Taylor, Donna Pasternak, Leanne Evans, Kelly Allen, Crystasany Turner -- Critical thinking in pre-service teacher observations : relationships between criticism and higher order thinking / Craig Howard -- Preparing thoughtful educators : using team-based learning in teacher education / Lauren Brannan, Christopher Parrish, Hannah Szatkowski -- Fostering critical literacy and cosmopolitanism : research on the influence of discussion strategies / Cynthia Ryman -- Encouraging preservice teachers' critical thinking development through practitioner inquiry / Mary Higgins, Rachel Wolkenhauer -- Critical thinking, critical doing : approaches for embodied thinking in preservice literacy education / Nicholas Husbye, Julie Rust, Beth Buchholz, Christy Wessel Powell, Sarah Vander Zanden -- Critical ways of thinking and learning : pre-service teachers' exploration through text / Kari Dahle-Huff, Erin Stutelberg, Donna Bulatowicz -- Transmitting metacognitive pedagogy to math pre-service educators / Justin Teeuwen, Geri Salinitri -- Promoting critical thinking through the use of student-generated case studies / Philip Bernhardt, Aaron Richmond -- Creating disequilibrium : building confidence in pre-service teachers using critically engaging constructivist methods / Tisha Duncan -- Preservice teachers' development and application of critical thinking skills in a social studies methods course / Dallas Dallman, Jayne Downey -- Learning to teach in practical settings / Katie Peterson-Hernandez -- Developing critical dispositions in teacher education programs / Jarrett Moore -- Complexity of [re] learning the meaning of multiplication of fractions in the context of a mathematics content course : an exploration study / Mary Gichobi --
    [NT 15003449]: Using primary research literature to teach critical thinking in pre-service teacher education / Wei Wei, Michelle Hudson, Anne Cook -- A relational action research of pre-service teachers' reflective thinking and knowledge co-creation / Zitong Wei -- How mentorship, critical thinking, and self-efficacy impact pre-service teachers and teacher educators in P-12 and higher education / Paris Ryan -- Supporting teacher candidates' development of critical thinking skills through dialogue and reflection / Trevor Stewart -- Redesigning mathematics tasks : a tool to increase critical thinking skills / Donna Rishor -- Cooperative discussions for critical thinking : protocols for the pre-service classroom / Danielle Hartsfield, Nicole Maxwell, Jennie Jones, Danielle Hilaski -- Positioning teacher candidates as self-regulated, critically thinking learners and teachers in an elementary writing course with a tutoring component / Janet Richards -- Creating a more thoughtful and compassionate schooling experience : implementing philosophy for children Hawai'i in our teacher education programs / Chad Miller, Benjamin Lukey -- Cultural influences on critical thinking : a pedagogy for educating immigrant preservice teachers / Nigel Lovell-Martin, Angela Rhone -- Developing pre-service teachers' critical thinking and assessment skills with reflective writing / Tracey Hodges, Chyllis Scott, Erin Washburn, Sharon Matthews, Carly Gould.
    Subject: Student teachers - Training of. -
    Online resource: http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-5225-7823-9
    ISBN: 9781522578246 (ebk.)
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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