Complex knee ligament injuries = fro...
Margheritini, Fabrizio.

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  • Complex knee ligament injuries = from diagnosis to management /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Complex knee ligament injuries/ edited by Fabrizio Margheritini, Joao Espregueira-Mendes, Alberto Gobbi.
    Reminder of title: from diagnosis to management /
    other author: Margheritini, Fabrizio.
    Published: Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg : : 2019.,
    Description: viii, 209 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Anatomy and Biomechanics -- Classification and Algorithm treatment -- Management in the emergency room -- Instrumental Evaluation -- Neurovascular associated injuries -- Surgical Timing. Surgical Techniques: ACL+Anterolateral capsular injuries -- PCL/MCL injuries -- PCL/PLC injuries -- Bicruciate injuries -- ACL/MCL injuries -- ACL/PLC injuries -- Acute Knee Dislocations -- Chronic Knee Dislocations. Specific Scenario: Associated bone fracture -- Osteotomy in chronic complex ligaments injury -- Complex knee injuries in the young adult -- Knee dislocation in obese patients -- Knee dislocation in athletes -- Complications in complex knee ligament injuries -- Rehabilitation/bracing -- Future trends in ligaments surgery: the role of biology.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Knee - Wounds and injuries -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783662582459
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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