Psychotropic drugs, prevention and h...
Sahed, Imaine,

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  • Psychotropic drugs, prevention and harm reduction /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Psychotropic drugs, prevention and harm reduction // edited by Imaine Sahed, Antony Chaufton.
    其他作者: Sahed, Imaine,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource :illustrations.
    內容註: Front Cover; Psychotropic Drugs, Prevention and Harm Reduction; Copyright ; Contents; Foreword; Preface; Introduction; Part 1: Prevention in Care Environments: Approaches and Practices ; 1. Scientific Data and Political Decisions in the Field of Addictive Behaviors; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. A particularly complex field for decision makers; 1.3. Heterogeneous decision-making during the last two decades; 1.4. Summary; 2. Social Sciences and Practice Renewal: From Prevention, to Identification, to Early Intervention; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Redefining prevention.
    內容註: 2.3. What organization and what strategy: organizational expertise2.4. Conclusion; 2.5. Bibliography; Part 2: (Re)designing Prevention: Multidisciplinary Outlooks ; 3. The Beautiful Life With or Without Drugs: Questions on Emancipation; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Theoretical framework on dependency and addiction; 3.3. Transgression and emancipation; 3.4. Conclusion; 3.5. Bibliography; 4. Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Consumption of European Adolescents: Substitutes or Complements? The Value of an All-encompassing Policy ; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Previous studies; 4.3. Analysis framework.
    內容註: 4.4. Data and descriptive statistics4.5. Price elasticity and cross-price elasticity results; 4.6. Discussion; 4.7. Conclusion; 4.8. Appendix: robustness test; 4.9. Acknowledgements; 4.10. Bibliography; 5. Animated Images, Words Coming Alive, Reflection in Motion; 5.1. Introduction; 5.2. Why animated images?; 5.3. Practical session; 5.4. What perspectives?; Part 3: Psychotropic Uses and Health Policies: International Perspectives ; 6. Towards the Addiction of Adolescents Under Public Protection: Paradoxical Contextualization; 6.1. Introduction; 6.2. The "moral area"; 6.3. Bibliography.
    內容註: 7. Socio-anthropological Contributions to the Senegalese Harm Reduction Program7.1. Introduction: drugs in Africa; 7.2. Subject matter of the presentation; 7.3. Harm reduction origins in Senegal: UDSEN project; 7.4. Drug user profile in Dakar; 7.5. Implication and contribution of social sciences; 7.6. Discussion; 7.7. Bibliography; Part 4: Prevention and Harm Reduction at the User Level ; 8. Promoting Harm Reduction Personal Strategies by Means of Drugs Checking: Its Use in CAARUD; 8.1. Introduction; 8.2. Drugs checking and harm reduction.
    內容註: 8.3. Subjectivity and objectivity of the consumption experience8.4. Co-production of knowledge for harm reduction; 8.5. Bibliography; 9. Initiation to Injection: A Community Challenge; 9.1. Introduction; 9.2. The first shoot: between apartment and squat... an experience between friends; 9.3. Methodology; 9.4. Within the injecting community: status among peers; 9.5. From the initiator's point of view; 9.6. Conclusion: what perspectives?; 9.7. Bibliography; List of Authors; Index; Back Cover.
    標題: Psychotropic drugs. -
    ISBN: 9780081023730
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •