Deep semantics and the evolution of ...
Adi, Tom, (1950-)

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  • Deep semantics and the evolution of new scientific theories and discoveries
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Deep semantics and the evolution of new scientific theories and discoveries/ by Tom Adi, Hala Abdelghany, and Kathy Adi.
    作者: Adi, Tom,
    其他作者: Abdelghany, Hala,
    出版者: Hershey, Pennsylvania :IGI Global, : 2019.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xv, 281 p.)
    內容註: Section 1. Observations about the meanings of sounds (deep semantics). Chapter 1. The nature of the relationship between sounds and their meanings ; Chapter 2. Sounds that represent compound processes ; Chapter 3. The sounds of word roots represent process control flowcharts -- Section 2. Observations about the meanings of sounds in certain word roots. Chapter 4. Observations from word roots about the nature of human knowledge ; Chapter 5. Observations from word roots about the functionality of the human cognitive system ; Chapter 6. Observations from word roots about the dysfunction of the human cognitive system ; Chapter 7. Observations from word roots about mathematics -- Section 3. Hypotheses based on observations. Chapter 8. Hypotheses about the human cognitive system and the nature of scientific research
    標題: Semantics - Psychological aspects. -
    ISBN: 9781522580805 (e-book)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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