Reimagining Christian education = cu...
Luetz, Johannes M.

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  • Reimagining Christian education = cultivating transformative approaches /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Reimagining Christian education/ edited by Johannes M. Luetz, Tony Dowden, Beverley Norsworthy.
    其他題名: cultivating transformative approaches /
    其他作者: Luetz, Johannes M.
    出版者: Singapore :Springer Singapore : : 2018.,
    面頁冊數: xv, 366 p. :digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: 1 Calling teachers: "To shine like the stars of heaven" -- 2 Modelling our teaching on the Jesus of the Gospels -- 3 Wide-awakeness in the world: Reimagining Bible engagement in Christian education with teenagers in light of Maxine Greene's aesthetic pedagogy -- 4 Reimagining reflective practice as life-long learning for professional development within Christian ministry -- 5 Narrative as a fundamental container for 21st century spirituality -- 6 Towards a model for inclusive education in Christian higher educational institutions: A prototype program -- 7 Inclusion in education: "A piggy back will (not) do?" -- 8 You're welcome: Hospitality encounters in teaching -- 9 Teaching history for a moral purpose: Wilberforce as evangelical hero -- 10 Songs of orientation: Cultural liturgies, the history classroom and the 'winter Christian' of discontent -- 11 Transformative learning: Insights from first year students' experience -- 12 Teaching counselling from a Christian world-view: Why and how do we do this? -- 13 Hope, faith and love: Engaging the heart in the world of business -- 14 Business, education, research and theology -- 15 Education as the aspirational sine qua non for human flourishing: Case study from Bangladesh -- 16 Education: Success factor for poverty reduction, environmental justice and intergenerational equity -- 17 Investing in Australian youth: A community organisation that makes a difference -- 18 Teaching as relationship -- 19 For the love of what? Implications of utility driven education in Christian schooling -- 20 Reimagining Christian formation in online theological education -- 21 Higher education: What's love got to do with it? Longings, desires and human flourishing -- 22 The trinity, love and higher education: Recovering communities of enchanted learning.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Education - Philosophy. -
    ISBN: 9789811308512
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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