Managing country risk in an age of g...
Bouchet, Michel Henry.

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  • Managing country risk in an age of globalization = a practical guide to overcoming challenges in a complex world /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Managing country risk in an age of globalization/ by Michel Henry Bouchet, Charles A. Fishkin, Amaury Goguel.
    Reminder of title: a practical guide to overcoming challenges in a complex world /
    Author: Bouchet, Michel Henry.
    other author: Fishkin, Charles A.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2018.,
    Description: xxvii, 527 p. :digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Foreword by Tanya Beder -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Assessing Risk in a Global Economy -- Chapter 2. What is Country Risk? -- Chapter 3. Country Risk in the age of Globalization: Cycles and Dynamics: A review of Literature -- Chapter 4. Country Risk Assessment: the key role of official information sources -- Chapter 5: Country Risk Assessment: The role of private sources of market and economic intelligence -- Chapter 6. Volatility, spillovers, and crisis contamination: The new dynamics of countr risk since the 1980s and 90s in the globalized market economy -- Chapter 7. Fragility and vulnerability of integrated areas -- Chapter 8. At the root of country risk: The balance of payments from liquidity to solvency crisis -- Chapter 9. Root Causes and Consequences of Political Risk: Defining Political Risk and its Various Dimensions -- Chapter 10. The Root Causes and Consequences of Political Risk: From Bad Governance to Wealth and Political Power Concentration, and Social Instability -- Chapter 11. Why Emerging Markets do not hold a monopoly on Country Risk in the XXI° century: An analysis of monetary and systemic risks in the OECD and in the Euro-zone -- Chapter 12. External debt sustainability: From liquidity tensions to solvency crisis -- Chapter 13. In search of early warning signals of Country Risk: Focusing on market price signals -- Chapter 14. In search of early warning signals of Country Risk: Focusing on Capital Flight -- Chapter 15. Country Risk Mitigation Strategies -- Chapter 16. Glossary: The 200 most important terms and concepts for country risk managers -- Conclusion -- Afterward by Florencio de Silanes.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Country risk. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783319897523
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