Philosophers on art from Kant to the...
Want, Christopher.

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  • Philosophers on art from Kant to the postmodernists = a critical reader /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Philosophers on art from Kant to the postmodernists/ edited by Christopher Kul-Want.
    其他題名: a critical reader /
    其他作者: Want, Christopher.
    出版者: New York :Columbia University Press, : c2010.,
    面頁冊數: xi, 362 p. :ill.
    內容註: Introduction: Art and philosophy -- Critique of judgment / Immanuel Kant -- Introductory lectures on aesthetics / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- How the "true world" finally became a fable : the history of an error : the will to power as art / Friedrich Nietzsche -- Beyond the pleasure principle : Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood / Sigmund Freud -- The lugubrious game / Georges Bataille -- A small history of photography / Walter Benjamin -- Nietzsche's overturning of platonism : the origin of the work of art / Martin Heidegger -- The mirror stage as formative of the function of the I : of the gaze as object petit a / Jacques Lacan -- Las meninas / Michel Foucault -- Society / Theodor Adorno -- The work of art and fantasy / Sarah Kofman -- Camera Lucida : reflections on photography / Roland Barthes -- Giotto's joy : Holbein's dead Christ / Julia Kristeva -- Spurs : Nietzsche's styles / Jacques Derrida -- Hysteria / Gilles Deleuze -- Answering the question : what is postmodernism? / Jean-Fran{cedil}cois Lyotard -- Privation is like a face / Giorgio Agamben -- The vestige of art / Jean-Luc Nancy -- Art and philosophy / Alain Badiou -- The janus-face of politicized art / Jacques Ranci{grave}ere.
    標題: Aesthetics. -
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