Essay on transcendental philosophy
Maimon, Salomon, (1754-1800.)

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  • Essay on transcendental philosophy
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Essay on transcendental philosophy/ Salomon Maimon ; translated by Nick Midgley ... [et. al] ; introduction and notes by Nick Midgley ; note on the translation by Alistair Welchman.
    作者: Maimon, Salomon,
    出版者: London ;Continuum, : c2010.,
    面頁冊數: lxvii, 282 p. :ill.
    內容註: Introduction -- Matter, form of cognition, form of sensibility, form of understanding, time and space -- Sensibility, imagination, understanding, a priori concepts of the understanding or categories, schemata, answer to the question Quid Juris?, answer to the question Quid Facti?, doubts about the latter -- Ideas of the understanding, ideas of reason, etc. -- Subject and predicate. The determinable and the determination -- Thing, possible, necessary, ground, consequence, etc. -- Identity, difference, opposition, reality, logical and transcendental negation -- Magnitude -- Alteration, change, etc. -- Truth, subjective, objective, logical, metaphysical -- On the I, materialism, idealism, dualism, etc. -- Short overview of the whole work -- My ontology -- On symbolic cognition and philosophical language.
    標題: Transcendentalism. -
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