Physical Change and Aging : = a Guid...
Saxon, Sue V.,

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  • Physical Change and Aging : = a Guide for the Helping Professions /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Physical Change and Aging :/ Sue V Saxon, Mary Jean Etten Edd, Elizabeth A. Perkins.
    其他題名: a Guide for the Helping Professions /
    其他題名: Physical Change & Aging
    作者: Saxon, Sue V.,
    其他作者: Etten, Mary Jean,
    出版者: New York :Springer Publishing Company, : 2014,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (521 pages)
    附註: Age-Related Disorders of the Visual System
    內容註: Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Perspectives on Aging; Basic Concepts in Physical Aging; Lessened Reserve Capacity; Patterns of Disease; References; Chapter 2: Theories of Aging; Stochastic Theories; Nonstochastic Theories; Psychosocial Theories of Aging; Maslow's Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs; Erikson's Stage Theory of Development; Peck's Tasks of Middle and Old Age; Other Developmental Views; Summary; References; Chapter 3: The Skin, Hair, and Nails; The Skin; Psychosocial Implications; Components of the Skin; The Epidermis; The Dermis
    內容註: The Hypodermis (Subcutaneous Layer)Functions of the Skin; The Hair; The Nails; Age-Related Changes in the Skin; Aging and the Epidermis; Aging and the Dermis; Aging and the Hypodermis; Age- Related Changes in the Hair; Age-Related Changes in the Nails; Age-Related Disorders of the Skin; Xerosis; Rashes; Senile Purpura; Pruritis (Severe Itching); Solar Elastosis (Skin Aging Caused by Sun Exposure); Keratosis (Horny Growth); Psoriasis; Skin Tags; Herpes Zoster (Shingles); Pressure Ulcers (Decubitus Ulcers); Venous and Arterial Stasis Ulcers; Skin Cancer; Prevention of Skin Cancer
    內容註: Tips for Maintaining Healthy SkinReferences; Chapter 4: The Musculoskeletal System; The Skeletal System; Components and Functions; Age-Related Changes in the Skeletal System; Age- Related Skeletal System Disorders; Osteoporosis; Arthritis; Osteomalacia; Paget's Disease; The Muscles; Components and Functions of the Muscles; Specific Age-Related Changes in Muscles; Specific Age-Related Disorders in Muscles; Muscle Cramps; Myasthenia Gravis; Polymyalgia Rheumatica; Bursitis; Summary; References; Chapter 5: The Nervous System; The Central Nervous System; The Brain; The Cerebrum; The Diencephalon
    內容註: The BrainstemThe Cerebellum; The Spinal Cord; The Peripheral Nervous System; The Somatic Nervous System; The Autonomic Nervous System; Age-Related Changes in the Nervous System; Age-Related Nervous System Disorders; Tremor; Parkinson's Disease (A Form of Parkinsonism); Tardive Dyskinesia; Brain Tumors; Stroke; Dementia; Sleep Disorders; Learning and Memory; Summary; References; Chapter 6: Dementia and Delirium; Changes in Categorizing Dementias and Delirium; Delirium; Diagnosis and Treatment; Mild Neurocognitive Disorder; Major Neurocognitive Disorder; Primary Dementias; Alzheimer's Disease
    內容註: EtiologyTreatment; General Guidelines for Caring for Those With Alzheimer's Disease; Prevention; Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration; Dementia Associated With Huntington's Disease; Dementia With Lewy Bodies; Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; Vascular Dementia; Secondary Dementias; Dementia Associated With Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders; HIV-Associated Dementia; Reversible Dementias; Summary; References; Chapter 7: The Sensory Systems; Vision; Age-Related Changes in Vision; Specific Implications of Age-Related Visual Changes; General Implications of Age-Related Visual Changes
    標題: Aging - Handbooks, manuals, etc. - Physiological aspects -
    ISBN: 1322079153
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •