Value relevance of accounting inform...
Ojo, Marianne,

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  • Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets/ Marianne Ojo and Jeanette Van Akkeren [editors].
    other author: Ojo, Marianne,
    Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania :IGI Global, : [2017],
    Description: 1 online resource (xxxv, 323 p.) :ill.
    [NT 15003449]: The need for global adoption of international financial reporting standards: post-Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises / Marianne Ojo -- Mitigating information asymmetries in capital markets: the audit expectations gap / Marianne Ojo -- Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets: the New York Stock Exchange / Marianne Ojo, James A DiGabriele -- Fundamental or enhancing roles?: the dual roles of external auditors and forensic accountants / Marianne Ojo, James A. DiGabriele -- Value relevance of accounting information in the emerging Chinese stock market (re visited) / James A. Rossi -- Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets: a comparative analysis between jurisdictions from the Middle East, Africa and Asia / James A. Rossi -- Revisiting the value relevance of accounting information in the Italian and UK stock markets / James A. Rossi -- The determinants of stock market development in emerging economies: examining the impact of corporate governance and regulatory reforms (I) / Sarah Newton -- The determinants of stock market development in emerging economies: examining the impact of corporate governance and regulatory reforms (II) / Sarah Newton -- The determinants of stock market development and liquidity in capital markets / Sarah Newton, Ingrid O'Connor --
    [NT 15003449]: Estimating the brand image in the process of accounting convergence: perceptions and practices gap / Ionica Oncioiu -- Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets of India: value relevance / Manoj Kumar -- Investigating the impact of declining oil prices in global stock markets: oil exporting and oil importing countries / Jose J. Haspa DeLarosiere -- Information uncertainty and volatility in financial stock markets: commodity price fluctuations and business cycles / Jose J Haspa DeLarosiere, Soren Nielsen -- The value relevance of financial and non-financial information: evidence from recent academic literature / Amitav Saha, Sudipta Bose -- Information asymmetries in the context of restatement announcements / Pierangelo Rosati, Pietro Mazzola, Riccardo Palumbo -- "Volcker/Vickers hybrid"?: the Liikanen report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities / Marianne Ojo -- Ring fencing Volcker's rule?: justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities revisited / Marianne Ojo.
    Subject: Financial statements. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781522519010 (ebook)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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