Collectivity and power on the intern...
Dolata, Ulrich.

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  • Collectivity and power on the internet = a sociological perspective /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Collectivity and power on the internet/ by Ulrich Dolata, Jan-Felix Schrape.
    Reminder of title: a sociological perspective /
    Author: Dolata, Ulrich.
    other author: Schrape, Jan-Felix.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2018.,
    Description: vii, 108 p. :digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Collectivity and Power on the Internet. An Introduction -- Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age -- Social Movements and the Internet: The Sociotechnical Constitution of Collective Action -- Open Source Communities: The Sociotechnical Institutionalization of Collective Invention -- Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft: Market Concentration - Competition - Innovation Strategies.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Internet - Social aspects. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783319784144
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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