Youth as architects of social change...
Bastien, Sheri.

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  • Youth as architects of social change = global efforts to advance youth-driven innovation /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Youth as architects of social change/ edited by Sheri Bastien, Halla B. Holmarsdottir.
    其他題名: global efforts to advance youth-driven innovation /
    其他作者: Bastien, Sheri.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2017.,
    面頁冊數: xxii, 353 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Part I: Positioning youth as social innovators on the global stage -- 1. The Sustainable Development Goals and the role of youth-driven innovation for social change; Sheri Bastien and Halla Holmarsdottir -- 2. Global perspectives on youth and school-to-work transitions in the 21st century: New challenges and opportunities in skills training programs; Halla Holmarsdottir and Kendra Dupuy -- 3. Critical youth work for youth-driven innovation: A theoretical framework; Daniele Morciano and Maurizio Merico -- Part II: Case studies of youth-driven innovation for social change -- 4. The development of an innovative One Health Sanitation Science fair to cultivate change agent capacity among pastoralist youth in rural Tanzania; Sheri Bastien, Erin Hetherington, Keri Williams, Jennifer Hatfield, Mange Manyama -- 5. Fostering a rise in youth social entrepreneurship in the Arabian Peninsula: From policy to implementation; Seungah Lee and Cameron Mirza -- 6. Youth and politics in Brazil: The use of ICTs and the new political activism in Brazil; Maria Francisca Pinheiro Coelho and Ana Cristina Murta Collares -- 7. DIY media making for social change: Hong Kong's ethnic minority youth speak back to exclusion and call for social action through cellphilms; Casey Burkholder -- 8. Building student change agent capabilities: Case UniWASH in Uganda; Riina Subra, Mikko Koria, Oona Timonen, Stella Neema, Annika Launiala -- 9. The amplifier effect: Oslo youth co-creating urban spaces of (be)longing; Ingrild Tolstad, Aina Landsverk Hagen and Bengt Andersen -- 10. Cultivating eco-creativity: The seeds of ecological responsibility in the hands of Norwegian early childhood education teachers; Biljana C. Fredriksen -- 11. Fostering social innovation in youth: Learning from a youth social entrepreneurship initiative in Ireland; Danielle Kennan, John Canavan and Noreen Kearns -- 12. Youth as architects of peace? Street Mediation at the Norwegian Red Cross and other national Red Cross unions; Espen Foss and Ida Hydle.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Youth - Political activity. -
    ISBN: 9783319662756
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