Resource redeployment and corporate ...
Folta, Timothy B.

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  • Resource redeployment and corporate strategy
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Resource redeployment and corporate strategy/ edited by Timothy B. Folta, Constance E. Helfat, Samina Karim.
    其他作者: Folta, Timothy B.
    出版者: Bingley :Emerald Group Publishing, : 2016.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (vii, 403 p.) :ill.
    內容註: Examining resource redeployment in multi-business firms / Timothy Folta, Constance Helfat, Samina Karim -- Resource redeployment in business ecosystems / Douglas Hannah, Robert Bremner, Kathleen Eisenhardt -- Product turnover: simultaneous product market entry and exit / Douglas Miller, Hsiao-Shan Yang -- Resource redeployment through exit and entry: threats of substitution as inducements / Gwendolyn Lee, Srikanth Parachuri -- Incumbent responses to an entrant with a new business model: resource co-deployment and resource re-deployment strategies / Gautam Ahuja, Elena Novelli -- Resource characteristics and redeployment strategies: towards a theoretical synthesis / Jaideep Anand, Hyunseob Kim, Shaohua Lu -- What goes on beneath the surface of reconfiguration? the impact of redeployment via activity addition and subtraction on firm scope and turnover / Joel Blit, Christopher Liu, Will Mitchell -- The hare and the fast tortoise: dynamic resource reconfiguration and the pursuit of new growth opportunities by Yahoo and Google (1995-2007) / Violina Rindova, Luis Martins, Adrian Yeow -- Linking technologies to applications insights from online markets for technology / Gary Dushnitsky, Thomas Klueter -- Resource reconfiguration: learning from performance feedback / Ari Dothan, Dovev Lavie -- The impact of absorbed and unabsorbed slack on firm profitability: implications for resource redeployment / Josep M. Argile-Bosch, Josep Garcia-Blandon, Monica Martinez-Blasco -- Resource reconfiguration and transactions across firm boundaries: the roles of firm capabilities and market factors / Patia Mcgrath, Harbir Singh.
    標題: Strategic planning. -
    ISBN: 9781786355072 (electronic bk.)
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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