The challenge of BRIC multinationals
Tulder, Rob van.

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  • The challenge of BRIC multinationals
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: The challenge of BRIC multinationals/ edited by Rob van Tulder ... [et al.].
    other author: Tulder, Rob van.
    Published: Bingley :Emerald Group Publishing, : 2017.,
    Description: 1 online resource (xxiii, 672 p.) :ill.
    [NT 15003449]: Third World multinationals: a retrospective / Louis T. Wells -- Third World multinationals - then and now / Liena Kano, Alain Verbeke, Rob van Tulder -- Introduction to this volume: what makes BRIC multinationals special? / Rob van Tulder, Jorge Carneiro, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez -- New facts about BRIC multinationals: from macro to micro evidence / Valeria Gattai, Piergiovanna Natale -- TRIAD & BRIC MNEs: will the internationalization strategies converge? studying the convergence of FDI outflows across nations and determining the role of home country government in enhancing FDI outflows / Srishti Goyal, Vasudha Chopra -- BRIC multinational enterprises: the roles of corruption and nationalism / Duane Windsor -- Overcoming the home field disadvantage: how BRICS firms adapt to market reforms / Luis Alfonso Dau, David Wesley -- Giants from emerging markets: the internationalization of BRIC multinationals / Liliana Rodriguez-Arangi, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez -- BRIC(S) as an emerging block? / Badar Alam Iqbal, Mohd Nayyer Rahman -- BRICS and free trade agreements: a special relationship / Bipin Kumar -- Internationalization as co-evolution of market and non-market strategies: the case of Vale / Suzana B. Rodrigues, Marleen Dieleman -- Hering, from a global production network player to a regional retail leader / Germano Aldofo Gehrke, Hoyêdo Nunes Lins , José Alonso Borba -- Natura - the international expansion of Brazilian cosmetics leader Natura: in search of a European scent / Jorge Carneiro, Bettysa Dornelas, Felipe Esteves -- Do institutions matter? the case of wines manufacturer from an emerging economy / Jefferson Marlon Monticelli, Ivan Lapuente Garrido, Fábio Dal-Soto -- Building political connexions to expand overseas: the trajectory of a Brazilian construction company / Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto, Marina Amado Bahia Gama -- Russian MNCs: empirical and theoretical aspects / Alexander Bulatov, Alexey Kuznetsov, Yuri Kvashnin, Alice Maltseva, Ninel Seniuk -- Internationalization of Russian business: a double-headed strategy? / Timur Atnashev, Teimuraz Vashakmadze -- The role of sanctions in the internationalization of Russian multinationals towards China: the case of energy and ICT sectors / Anna Abramova, Olga Garanina -- Against all odds - a diaspora entrepreneur developing Russian and Central Asian markets / Maria Elo -- When the subsidiary leads expansion: from Russia to Belarus and beyond / Brent McKenzie, Igor Dukeov, Vadim Iliunin -- Early internationalization of new and small Indian firms - an exploratory study / Pratik Arte, Andrew Barron -- Chemistry looks to the future at Innovassynth / Ajeet N. Mathur -- FDI strategies of Chinese companies in the electronics industry: motives, locations, and entry mode choices / Xiaoyan Luo, Michal K. Lemanski -- Local issues of Chinese direct investment in Africa: the case of China National Petroleum Corporation International Chad (2006-2013) / Seign-goura Yorbana -- JAC Motors - how a Chinese car manufacturer successfully approached the Brazilian Market.
    Subject: International business enterprises. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781786353498 (electronic bk.)
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