Transition and change in collectivis...
Quek, Karen Mui-Teng.

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  • Transition and change in collectivist family life = strategies for clinical practice with Asian Americans /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Transition and change in collectivist family life/ edited by Karen Mui-Teng Quek, Shi-Ruei Sherry Fang.
    其他題名: strategies for clinical practice with Asian Americans /
    其他作者: Quek, Karen Mui-Teng.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2017.,
    面頁冊數: xii, 97 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: How Chinese-American couples negotiate relational harmony: Collectivism and gender equality -- Addressing power and resistance with Chinese-American daughters-in-law and their immigrant mothers-in-law -- Through religion: Working-class Korean immigrant women negotiate patriarchy -- Cultural transmission to cultural transformation: A case of contemporary Chinese-Americans in a faith-based community -- Intergenerational connections among first and second generation Chinese-American Christians -- From treading the thin line of work and family to self-compassion: Clinical work with Asian American career mothers -- Chinese grandparents' involvement in their adult children's parenting practices in the United States -- Acculturation, relational, and mental health issues among Korean American youth -- Evidence-based practice: What we learned from longitudinal data of Asian immigrants and how family therapists can work effectively with Asian immigrant families and adolescents.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Asian Americans - Counseling of. -
    ISBN: 9783319506791
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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