Monitoring the quality of education ...
Scherman, Vanessa.

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  • Monitoring the quality of education in schools = examples of feedback into systems from developed and emerging economies /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Monitoring the quality of education in schools/ edited by Vanessa Scherman, Roel J. Bosker, Sarah J. Howie.
    其他題名: examples of feedback into systems from developed and emerging economies /
    其他作者: Scherman, Vanessa.
    出版者: Rotterdam :SensePublishers : : 2017.,
    面頁冊數: viii, 204 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Preface -- The Role of Monitoring in Enhancing the Quality of Education -- Section 1: Conceptual Issues -- Feedback of Monitoring Data and Its Role in Decision Making at School and Classroom Level -- Understanding Monitoring Systems in Different Contexts: A Focus on Curriculum Development, Teacher Agency and Monitoring Systems: A Proposed Monitoring System to Support Teaching and Learning in a Changing Society -- Monitoring, Accountability and Professional Knowledge: Reflections on South African Schooling -- Monitoring and School Self-Evaluation: Examples of and Implications for South Africa -- Section 2: Worked Examples -- The Role of Feedback Report Characteristics and User Professionalisation in Using Student Monitoring Systems for Data-Driven Decision Making -- Understanding Monitoring in the United Kingdom Context -- Using Performance Monitoring Data for Teaching Purposes: Evidence from the Netherlands -- Section 3: System Level Monitoring -- Evidence from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and How Teachers and Their Practice Can Benefit -- Teacher's Competence and Performance and Its Effect on Pupil Achievement in Upper Primary Education in Mozambique: What Does SACMEQ Data Tell Us? -- Section 4: Future Pathways -- Frameworks for the Analysis of Monitoring Data Related to Achievement -- Monitoring Systems for the Future: Success in a Global Economy.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Educational evaluation. -
    ISBN: 9789463004534
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