Project-based learning for academica...
Tan, Joseph C.L.

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  • Project-based learning for academically-able students = Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Project-based learning for academically-able students/ by Joseph C.L. Tan, Anne Chapman.
    其他題名: Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore /
    作者: Tan, Joseph C.L.
    其他作者: Chapman, Anne.
    出版者: Rotterdam :SensePublishers : : 2016.,
    面頁冊數: vi, 154 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Overview of the Issues -- Introduction -- Background and Context -- Key Concepts -- Aim and Research Questions -- Research Design and Research Methods -- Overview of the Findings -- Significance of the Study -- Conclusion -- Background and Context -- Introduction -- Context of Current Educational Movement in the International Arena -- Educational Reforms in Asia -- The Singapore Education Journey -- The Case Study School -- Conclusion -- Literature Review -- Introduction -- The Concept of Project-Based Learning -- A Social Constructivist Framework for Project-Based Learning -- Information Technology in Project Work -- Project Work in the International Context -- Conclusion -- Methodology -- Introduction -- Theoretical Framework -- Research Strategy and Design -- Data Collection and Data Analysis -- Ensuring Trustworthiness -- Ethical Issues and Considerations -- Conclusion -- Case Studies -- Introduction -- Background of Case Study School, Student Groups and Project Work Programmes -- Case Study Findings -- Conclusion -- Findings and Discussion -- Introduction -- Proposition 1 -- Proposition 2 -- Proposition 3 -- Proposition 4 -- Proposition 5 -- Proposition 6 -- Proposition 7 -- Conclusion -- Summary and Conclusion -- Introduction -- Overview of the Study -- Findings -- Recommendations -- Implications for Further Research -- Conclusion -- References -- Index.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Gifted children - Education (Secondary) - Singapore. -
    ISBN: 9789463007320
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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